A Change in History

The question's in my head...

We began to head back to our apartments. The ride on the metro was quiet, as much as I tried not to let it bug me, it did sadden me inside to think that this will just end up being written up in my journal and it will just seem like a dream.

"You okay Rose?”

Did he just call me Rose? Jai calls me that.

“Yeah, I'm just thinking.”


“My family, I'm beginning become very home sick”

He got closer to me and pulled me in to a hug, I know I'm not home sick. I don’t know if I can pull this off. How will I? I'm just one person how am I supposed to stop him from going in that second tower? This is insane. My brain is going in to a melt down. Wait is Gerard’s arm around me?

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, look at the bright side you have me. Tell you what you wanna watch a movie at my place?”

“I really love to ,but I think I want to be alone for the rest of the night. Is that ok?”

“yeah of course it is. I understand but if you change your mind I'm right next door.”

“I know you are. So if I change my mind and it’s 3 am can I still come over?”

“Yes that offer is good for what ever time”

“Okay, I'm holding you to that”

We finally arrived at our apartment complex. I couldn’t believe I spent the whole day with Gerard Way.

As we approached my door I began to feel like a teenager on a first date. Wait date? Should I consider this a date?

“Well if you change your mind I'm right next door.”

“Okay good night and thanks for the sushi”

As I opened my door I walked in and closed the door behind me. I leaned up against the door waiting to hear Gerard walk in to his apartment. I heard the door close besides my apartment. Looking down at my shoes I slid down to the floor of my apartment, I began to unlace my shoes and just threw them to the side. I picked myself up and walked to my room , through my dark living room. I walked in to my room not even bothering to change out of my clothes I flopped on my bed thinking 'how the hell am I going to pull this off?' Staring at my ceiling I began to feel my eyes getting heavy. I started to wonder if I would wake up in my own bed tomorrow morning, back in California in my apartment in LA. Part of me wished that I would and the other part of me wanted to wake up in NY in my now apartment. I wonder what is going on back in my time, would Jai be wondering were I went? Would my brother think of what happened to me?
My eyes gave in they were fully shut and my mind was beginning to doze off in to a dream.

I was swallowed in a deep sea of black sheets and blankets, I finally pulled the sheet off my face. Looking around I realized I wasn’t where I fell asleep at, I looked around the walls were a deep gray and the window was dirty. I sat up on the bed and got up. Walking out of the room I walked in to a studio were people were clapping and cheering. My brother Kevin was sitting on a chair and calling out to me. I tried walking towards him but I couldn’t.I began to run but no matter how fast I ran I couldn’t get any closer to him. Feeling my legs go limp and tired, my body gave in and I fell. I looked up to see darkness. I stood up and I was ingulfed in darkness. I started to walk and feel around for some thing anything that would give me a sign of were I was. I tripped over some thing and landed on top. It was soft yet hard….I felt around and it was a body, who’s body? I couldn’t see anything then I heard his voice

“Rossetta…help me.” It was Gerard.
I began to try to see what was wrong with him but I couldn’t

“Gerard what’s wrong what happened? Were are we?”

“I don’t know what happened but I can’t breath. Help me” I felt so helpless and began to cry I didn't know how to save him. I couldn’t do anything but cry on his chest. Suddenly I heard a knock, where was it coming from? There it was again, someone knocking.

As I began to hear more clearly I heard the knocking again, were was it coming from? My eyes began to open slowly I realized that I had been dreaming. I opened my eyes I expected to wake up in my apartment in LA but to my surprise I woke up in my then apartment in NY. I rolled off the bed and realized that some one was knocking on my door. I opened the door to find Gerard standing out side of my door.

“Morning sunshine, you look like you had a rough night”

“I did come in, what’s up?”

“I wanted to see if you wanted breakfast”

“Yeah, umm let me shower and change.”'


“Make yourself at home”

I walked in to my bathroom and began to get undressed. I walked in to my shower and closed my eyes as the water hit my skin. Trying to escape from every thing that was going on I pretended that I was standing under a waterfall, being as peaceful as can be. Unfortunately I was brought back to reality. Forcing my thoughts of fear and uncertainty to the back of my mind I reached for the shampoo bottle as I opened my eyes and squirted a small amount on to my hand. I began to wash my hair and to scrub my body. Once I was done I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in the towel. I stared at myself in the mirror. Somehow I was no longer the same Rossetta. I seemed different, what it was I don’t know but I looked different. As I picked up my clothes from the floor I walked in to my room to get dressed. I pulled out a pair of clean undies from my drawer and a bra to match. I picked out a regular t-shirt and threw it on along with a faded pair of jeans. Of course my converse were my shoes of choice always. My hair still damp from the shower. I walked out in to my living room and to my surprise Gerard was no longer there. I could smell the distinct sent of eggs and bacon and pancakes. I walked in to my kitchen only to be greeted by Gerard holding a spatula in he’s hand and smiling at me.

“Right on time, breakfast is done.”

“Wow when you said do you want to have breakfast with me I thought you meant at a restaurant, not you make breakfast”

“Well this is what I meant”

All I could do was smile, I couldn’t recall the last time some one made me breakfast. Puling out two plates from the cupboard and placing them on the counter top I reached for two cups as well.
“Coffee or juice?”

I made coffee for the both of us and Gerard began to set up the plates on the table. I pulled the chair and sat down. I stared down at the scrambled eggs and began to eat. It wasn’t until I looked up that I realized that he was staring at me.

“Are they good?”

“Yeah they are actually, better than mine, thanks”
“You're welcome” we continued to eat our breakfast.

“So how was your night?”

“It was good why do you ask?”

“It looks like you had a rough one.”

“Really? Wow I didn’t notice.”

“Wanna talk about it?”

“Well, it was more of a nightmare that I had. You know it’s one of those were you try to wake up but you can't and then the dream doesn’t make much sense. You know what I mean or did I loose you?”

“No I know exactly what you mean. I once had a dream were I was running towards some thing but I couldn’t see were I was at. In the end I was alone and searching for someone.”

“Wow that sounds like a weird dream. I hate having dreams like that because then I wonder what it means and why I was dreaming that you know?”

“Yeah I know what you mean, but I read somewhere that dreams are your subconscious mind working so who knows what it could be.”

If only he knew why I was dreaming that. Then he would understand. But should I tell him? If I did would he think I'm crazy and avoid me? Then how the hell would I be able to pull this off? I think I'll have to listen to that saying “some things are better left unsaid” if only there were some way I could tell him with out him thinking I'm crazy. We continued on eating our breakfast talking about dreams.

“Hey after this do you want to go for a stroll to the park?”

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