A Night To Remember

This Can't be Happening

It happened one Saturday night. My friend Angie had scored tickets to the My Chemical Romance concert. When she invited me to come along with her, I of course said , “Hell yes I'll go”

We were so exited. That night when she came to pick me up from my apartment, I was still getting ready. I was wearing a black laced corset and a black and red skirt. I had on some striped red and black stockings and my Converse. As she walked further into my apartment I could hear her calling out my name through my house.

“I’m almost done I promise!” I yelled from my bathroom.
As she walked in to my bathroom she gave me this look telling me to hurry up.

“Let's go, we are going to be late. It’s not like he’s going to see you from the huge crowd.” She told me.

We got in her car and began to drive to the Rose Garden, where the concert was taking place. Boy, was it full of people. There were about a thousand or more people there. We gave the security guy our tickets and we walked in to the arena. The stage was huge and you could see all of their instruments set up on stage.
Angie looked at me, “Can you believe we are actually here?”

I simply looked at her and said , “No”

As we began to make our way in to the seats I realized that I had to go use the restroom. I turned to Angie and said to her , “I got to go pee”

She nodded showing she heard me.I walked out and in the direction of the restroom. As fate would have it the concert began with me in the bathroom. And I couldn’t find my ticket stub, so the guard would'nt let me back in.I was extremly pissed off.

“Are you fucking kidding me!? I was just in there you saw me come out and go in!” I yelled
“Sorry little lady but I still can’t let you in with out proof of purchace”.

Just when I thought I would finally get to see the man of my dreams I was stuck outside of the arena in the damn parking lot. I could hear The Used playing “A Girl Like That” I just began to wonder around the arena trying to figure out a way to get in. I tried calling Angie but her cell was off. I finally came to a part of the arena that had a security guard that luckly for me was on a bathroom break.
I squeezed in through the fence and found my self were all the tour buses were at. I began to walk around hiding from security.I was about to walk around a black tour bus, bit didn't see the security guard and almost got caught.As I ducked down quickly to hide from him I heard someone say ,“Excuse me, I think I saw someone that wasn’t supposed to be back here over there.”

I thought to myself 'Great they gave me away now the guard is going to come and get me.'
As I was standing near the bus I was expecting the security guard and instead I found my self face to face with Gerard Way. I froze and my jaw dropped! I couldn’t believe it. I was standing in front of him,and I couldn’t say anything.
He looked at me with a smirk,“I take it you know who I am? Well, the guard is gone now, so how about you come with me? I'll give you a back stage pass so you won’t have to get kicked out.”

“Sure” I said after a moment of silence

We began to walk to the back part of the stage. We walked in to where there were a couple of other bands that were playing with them as well. I turned and looked at him and said, “Just so you know I wasn’t breaking in. I did have my ticket but, I had to use the bathroom and couldn’t find it.”

"Don’t worry, I don’t care. The truth is I would hate to see a pretty girl like you have to get escorted out by a guard.”

I blushed and just smiled back at him.
“I’m not 21 yet”

He laughed, “I meant soda”

I blushed , “I’ll take a coke.”

He then returned with the back stage pass and a coke. He looked at me , “So you know my name but, I have no clue what your name is.”

“Maria” I answered

Like most of the others that have met me I expected him to begin singing "Maria Maria" he didn't.

“So are you local here in the Oregon area or did you come a long way just to see us?”

“I live in Oregon, in Hillsboro. My friend Angie... oh god she must think I’m lost. She's out on the floor.”

“Don’t worry you will see her after the show.I hope I’m not asking too soon, but would you like to go out and have a cup of coffee with me?”

“What about the show?”

“After the show.”

“Oh, in that case I would love to go grab a cup of coffee with you.”

“Ok then don’t get lost. I'll meet you back here after the show, but just in case I can’t find you, can I have your cell phone number so that I can call you?”

“Yes, of course.”

I couldn’t believe it! I had to find Angie and tell her what had just happened to me. I knew she would go crazy.

I went back down on to the front part of the arena and walked up to the security guard and flashed him my backstage pass with a grin on my face. He then glared at me and said , "Go ahead."

I walked in to the arena and I started looking for Angie. There was so many people I couldn’t find her. So I stood on one spot as I watched My Chemical Romance play Helena. I enjoyed the show but, I kept wondereing what Angie would think if she couldn’t find me after the show. I kept trying her cell but all I got was her voice mail.I finally decided to leave her a text message letting her know that I found a ride home and I would see her tomorrow to tell her what happened. Towards the end of “Thank you for the Venom” I decided to head back stage to meet Gerard. As I made my way trough the crowd my cell began to ring I looked at it and it was a 973 area code number.
I didn't know who it was but, I picked up ,“Hello?”



“Where you at?”



“Oh. I’m on my way out of the arena to go back stage. I'll see you in a minute.”


I arrived in the back stage area and met him. He was covered in sweat and well, not very attractive looking but, it was Gerard Way. I smiled.

“Hey, I was wondering where you went.”

“I wanted to see you guys play.”

“Oh. Let me get cleaned up and well get out of here, okay?”


Sitting on the white couch I started thinking.'Wow this is my first concert and I get kicked out only to be brought backing by Gerard Way, the man that I always hoped to meet before I died. Not to mention that he asked me to have coffee with him. This is the best night of my life."
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Please tell me what you think and depending on how well it's liked I will add more.