A Night To Remember

Night Terror's

I found my self tossing and turning in my bed, I tried to open my eye's but no matter how hard I tried they wouln't open. I continued to toss and turn until I fell of the bed. Finally I was able to open my eye's, it was dark yet I could see a small light coming from the bottom of the door. I sat up and began to look around, I was back in my bedroom. I got up and began to walk toward's the door; as I twisted the knob to the door I could feel something was wrong. I wasn't sure what it was but some thing wasn't right. I opened the door and all the light shone into the room yet I coulnd quite see past the light. I took a step forward only to fall into a flight of stair's. I managed to catch my self on the railing and continued to walk down the stairs. There was no sound's only darkness. That was until I heard the door shut behind me. As I turned around to see behind me I could see the figure of a man aproaching me. He held some thing shiny in his hand; it was then I realized it was a knife. I began to run down the stairs to get away. Finally I reached the end of the stairs and found another door; with out thinking I ran through it and found my self back in my living room. I heard a noise coming from my bedroom; I din't want to find out who or what it was I turned around to run out the door and Mike was standing right in front of my. I tried to close the door but he was far to strong and he pushed it open as he flung me to the floor. I tried to get up to get away but the bedroom door opened, it was Mike again. There was nothing I could do by the time I tried to react I was already being gripped my shoulder's by the first Mike. The other was aproaching and getting ready to strike me with a kniffe. I screamed and I tried to push them off of me. In the instant I could feel some one shaking me back and forth and I heard Gerard's voice.

"Maria Maria wake up, wake up."
I opened my eye's and still in fear that I would be faceing Mike I pushed him away fromme and scrambled to the edge of the bed. It took me a second before my eye's adjusted and I realized I was only having a nightmare. Gerard was staring at me bewildered. He got closer to me and placed his hand's on mine.

"It's ok, it's me. You were having a nightmare."
"Oh god; I'm so sorry Gerard. I din't mean to push you like that. It was just so vivid and real." It wasn't until then that I realized I had been crying. He reached over to me and wrapped his arms around me.
"It's ok, your safe here with me. It was only a dream." He kissed the top of my head as I rested it on his chest. He pulled my closer to the center of the bed and stroked my hair as I fell back asleep.
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I know it's a short chapter but please do tell me what you think.