A Night To Remember

A Month

It had now been a month or so since I had left my old life behind in Oregon. I couldn’t find it in my self to leave Gerard and to be honest I had grown quite attached to the guy's. It was a Tuesday afternoon; I was at work that day. It was the day My Chemical Romance was due to leave Oregon and continue on with their US tour. Their next stop Washington; I was at the store when Gerard walked in with a dozen roses in his hands. My face always lit up when I saw him, he made my heart speed up like if I was running a marathon. It was clear we had a un denying attraction towards each other. He simply stood there gassing into my eyes and smiling. I hugged him and took the roses.

"They are beautiful Gerard thank you. What's the occasion?"

"No occasion I just wanted to show you how much I care and there is some thing I need to ask you." I looked at him with a puzzled look. Its way too soon for a proposal I thought to my self.

"Don't worry it's nothing bad but it is very important and life changing. We are leaving today for Washington, I don't want to leave you and I completely understand if you say no. But..." His word's trailed off and he took a deep breath in. He looked nervous I could see the wrinkles on his forehead forming and he began to fidget a little.

"I’m dying of anticipation here can you just spit it out?" A nervous giggle escaped my mouth. I took his hand and held it. I stepped closer to him and gazed into his eyes.

"What ever it is it can't be that bad right?" I cupped his cheek in my hand and stroked it gently, giving him a reassuring smile.

"Come with us? I know you have your life here and I know it's probably asking too much. I honestly can't see me leaving you behind. What do you say sugar? Will you run away with me and leave this life behind?" I couldn’t believe what was coming out of his mouth. How did he expect me to just leave everything behind? How could he ask me to just drop everything and go with him? I’m sure any girl would have jumped at the chance but I worked hard for what I had. My apartment, granted it wasn't the best but it was mine. My job, well...I hated retail and that was the truth, but it paid my bills. My school, well that wasn't much of an excuse I was doing it on line. All I had to worry was doing my internship at a hospital. What was I supposed to do for money? I’ve never been the type to just live off of some one else. With all these thought's rushing through my head I couldn’t bring my self to say yes or no. The truth is I wanted to say yes but my pride wanted me to say no. He looked at me with hurt eyes; I could see the pain gleaming within them. I didn’t want to hurt him; he was to kind and sweet. I bit my lower lip and took a breath in. I couldn’t believe what came out of my mouth next.

"I want to but I don't. Part of me wants to say fuck it leave it all behind and go. The other part is saying how can you leave everything you worked so hard for behind?" His pain stricken eye's pierced mine; he cupped my face in his hand and gently planted a kiss on my lips. He parted away slowly and lowered his head in defeat. He began to pull away from him and I pulled him back to me by his arm.

"Now look here if you think that's my final answer you are dead wrong. How can I pass up an opportunity like this? The truth is I hate my job, but I love my apartment. I am independent and you know that. I will go, under one condition." The light returned to those hazel eyes and he smiled.

"Anything." I took a breath in and I couldn’t believe I was really going to do it. I was just going to pick up my stuff and leave. It was a once in a life time opportunity and I couldn’t let it pass me by.

"I don't want to be living off of you guys. I need a job so that I can pay my rent for my apartment and my food and my clothing. Just until I finish my school, I only have a few more months and then I have to do my internship at a hospital. I don't care if I have to be a techi for the band as long as imp not living off of you guys. Ok?" He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"School? Why didn’t you tell me you were in school? I didn’t know, what are you going to school for? I will find some thing for you to do. Now let's go get your stuff." I smiled; I was over whelmed with excitement.

"I didn’t tell you because to be honest I didn’t think you would be asking me to leave with you guy's. But I am going to school for nursing, I started way back when I first got here to Oregon. Im doing it on line but in order to get my degree I do have to do my internship at a hospital. I have two more months’ before I have to start interning. It could be at a hospital or a convalescent home. Before we go get my stuff I have to quit remember?" He simply smiled and took me in his arms.

"Go quit, I will be waiting right here for you and we will leave when you are ready."

I smiled and walked to the back office. It was a small store they had placed me in so I didn’t really need another person working with me. I picked up the phone and called my manager Russ. I was nervous but excited. The phone rang and his voice came on the other end.

"Hi Maria how are you? What can I do you for?" Russ was a middle aged man that had started balding at a young age. He had sky blue eye's and a heart of gold. He cared about his entire employee's so I felt bad quitting. But I knew I had to do it.

"Hi Russ, I uh have a bit of not so good news. I hate to do this to you with such short notice but I’m quitting. Life has thrown me a major curb ball and I can't let this opportunity slip away. Thank you for the opportunity you have given me." There was silence on the other end; I could feel his disappointment through the receiver.

"Ok, that's out of the blue. But you know I’m all for finding your self and taking chances when life gives them to you. I don't know what it may be but good luck with it. It was a pleasure having you here. I will send Brandy to finish out the rest of your shift. Please leave your store key with her." That was easier than I thought, now I felt bad but I couldn’t bring my self to regret this decision. Yeah I would feel guilty for a bit but I knew as soon as I stepped onto that bus that guilt would disappear into thin air.

"Thanks Russ." I hung up the phone and walked out of the office. Gerard was leaning on one of the accessories stand's. I walked over to him and wrapped my arm's around him.

"He is sending some one to take over my shift. When she is here we are free to go." He smiled and hugged me. It was 20 minute's later when Brandy showed up. She walked in and smiled at me, she didn’t need me to tell her why I had quit. She saw Gerard and the roses and she knew. She smiled and hugged me.

"Please don't forget to visit. Take care of your self." I smiled, Brandy was taller than me. Blue eye's and a beautiful smile. She had dark brown hair and you could see her bone's from her collar. She used to be a dancer until she broke her leg. She had to settle for working a 5-9 job at a retail store. She was too familiar with dream's coming true and them being taken from you so easily. She was the one that pushed me to get back into school. "Don't let life get away from you." she said. I just smiled and hugged her back. She had become some what of my protective older sister. We parted way's and Gerard and I got in the black town car. Our next destination my apartment; the whole ride there we couldn’t stop grinning at each other. It seemed he was holding back some thing but I wasn't sure what. We reached my apartment and I packed what ever I could fit in my suit case. Including my toiletries. When I was finished we headed drove to the tour bus. We walked in hand in hand and the guy's greeted us with.

"She said yes!" I got hug's from them and they welcomed me into their home with opened arm's. We began our journey together and I couldn’t be happier that I had said yes. A month later and here I am sitting on the tour bus table with Frank nudging me. For the most part we all got a long but of course being the only girl in a tour bus full of guy’s isn’t easy.
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I Wanted to give you guy's a long chapter. I sorta just started typing and it just fell into place. Please tell me what you guy's think.