A Night To Remember

After Math

After half an hour of waiting, I saw Gerard approach me with a smile.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah, you?”


As we began to walk we bumped into the rest of the band.Gerard stopped , “I'll see you guy’s later. I’m going to go have a cup of coffee with Maria.. Oh by the way, you probably know who they are but, Maria this is Mikey, Bob, Ray and Frank.”

“Nice to meet you guys” I said

We got into a black car.
"Starbucks, please" He told the driver.
As we were sitting in the car he asked me things like: What do I like, what is my favorite color, and all of the things that you would ask someone you just met. I answered his questions and I began to ask him questions too.

“So besides the fact that you thought I was cute, what made you save my ass from that guard?”

“ I remember getting to see the Smashing Pumpkins and wanting to meet them. When Mikey and I went to their concert I attempted to sneak in the back to meet Billy Corgan but, I got caught by the security gaurd. I saw Billy at a distance but, he didn't say anything. Instead he walked on. So as I saw you hiding I thought to myself This is a chance to prove myself"

I was stunned by what he had said. I never thought he would have to break in to see his idol, let alone I never thougt Billy wouldn't save a fan. I blushed and smiled, as I realized we were at Starbucks and we were ordering to go.
"What do you want?" He asked
“A blended mocha frappuchino.” I answered.

He smiled and ordered it for me.

“Were do you work?

“I work for Sprint. I’m a sales rep there and that is how I met Angie, the one at the concert with me. She came in needing someone to rescue her from her high phone bill from her last carrier. I activated her line and she asked if we could hang-out sometime. I said yes but it took her a while to call me. Anyway when her and her boyfriend broke up she called me because she needed a friend. We met after work and we went out to a club together. We soon found out that we both liked your band and she surprised me with the tickets as a sort of early birthday present.”

“When is your birthday?”

“February 28. I know it’s a little too early for my birthday but it’s the thought that counts.”

“So what do you like to do for fun?”

“Your going to think this is weird but, I like going to cemeteries in the night. It's very peaceful and I like walking around all the graves.”

“That’s not weird at all. I like to do that too. Would you like to go to one with me?”

“Sure”. He quickly told the driver to stop at the nearest graveyard.

I had completely lost track of time, I was having such a great time with him. We sat down on the steps of the mausoleum and we were just talking to each other about our lives.

Believe it or not we were enjoying each other company so much that we ended up watching the sunrise together. It wasn’t long before I realized that this wasn’t a dream and I had to go in to work at 11:00am. “Umm Gerard, I have to be at work at 11:00 am I didn't get any sleep and I will be there until seven tonight.”

“I’m sorry we lost track of time. I just really enjoyed being with you. I'll get you home right now and I'll give you a ride to work as well.”

“It’s not your fault.I'm really glad we did this.”

As we headed towards the car we realized that the driver was asleep in his seat. We woke him up and Gerard asked him to take me home. After about twenty minutes we arrived at my apartment and I invited him up to my place.
"This place is great!" He told me as we walked in.
I had the walls painted in black and maroon. My two favorite colors. He gazed out my window “Wow you have a nice view.”

“Thanks. I've liked these apartments since I moved here. They reminded me of New York. Best part of all I am able to paint the walls all I want and when I move out they will paint them back for me."

“You said you liked to draw. Do you have any of your drawings?” He asked

“Yeah. You have to come see this one. I love fairies and I drew this big one on my bedroom wall.”

As we began to walk to my room he kept looking around. We walked in to my room and he was stunned. My walls in there were also maroon and black, my curtains were black. And my bed was just the best, a big queen size bed and it had a maroon canopy.

“I love your room.”

“Why thank you. It took me so long to get all this done. I moved here in February and finished the whole thing on May. Well here it is. My pride and joy.”

He looked at the painting of the fairy and was just stunned. After he complimented me on my artistic talent I walked into the kitchen and started breakfast. I made us some scrambled eggs and we sat down and ate together.

“Do you get the feeling like we have known each other our whole lives”

“Just a little. I feel more comfortable with you than with anyone else. I don't jnow why but, I must be honest. I most certainly don’t mind this feeling at all. Do you?”

“Of course not I like you and I do intend on hanging out with you again.”

After we finished eating I told him , “I’m going to start getting ready for work feel free to watch TV or do what you want. I won’t be long.”

“Ok”. He nodded

I walked in to my room and closed my door, I was so happy! I couldn’t believe that I had just spent the whole night and morning with Gerard Way! I couldn’t stop thinking about it and it took me a cold shower to realize that it wasn’t a dream. After I was done I got out dried my hair and put on my work uniform. As I walked out into my living room I heard the TV on. I walked over to the couch and realized that Gerard was passed out on my couch. I didn't want to wake him so, I wrote him a note and left it on the coffee table. I was going to take the bus but the driver wouldn’t let me. He insisted on giving me a ride to work. Once I goth there, I was so tired I actually nodded off. I couldn't help but to keep asking my self was it real or was it just a dream?
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I hope you guy's are likeing this story please let me know what you think :)