A Night To Remember

Through the eye's of Gerard

Gerard’s (POV)

I was headed back into the Big Bertha to get some things I needed before the show, along with my stage make-up. As I was walking out I was passed a guard .I also saw a really cute girl behind the bus, I remembered my brush with security and didn't want her to feel the same way I did when Billy blew me off.
“Hey I think I heard someone over there. Can you go check it out?” I pointed in the opposite direction.

I guess this beautiful girl must have expected the guard to find her. When I turned the corner and faced her she was stunned to see that it was me, not the guard. She looked shocked so,I took the initiative and said ,“I take it you know who I am? Well the guard is gone now how about you come with me and I give you a back stage pass so you won’t have to get kicked out?”

She seemed star struck but I couldn’t let this one get away. We walked to the back stage area and I offered her something to drink which to this she replied , “I’m not 21 yet”

I had to smile she was just to damn cute. I said to her, “I meant soda”

She replied, “I'll take a coke” while blushing

She likes the same soda as me. I wonder what other things we might have in common. As I walked back towards her I began to wonder what her name was,"So you know my name but I have no clue what your name is.”


I thought to myself 'Maria Maria' but, I contained myself. I decided to ask her a little more about herself.

“So are you local here in the Oregon are or did you come a long way just to see us?”

She said she was local which to be honest was a bummer because I live in Jersey. But I gave it a chance. I asked her to join me for a cup of coffee and she said sure, “Okay then don’t get lost I will meet you back here after the show, but just in case I can’t find you can I have your cell phone number so that I can call you?”

Smooth Gerard, very smooth but hey it got the job done right? She gave me her number and headed back to the inside of the arena. 'Man she has a hot body'. After we were done playing our songs I headed backstage but, I couldn’t find her. I began to wonder if she had given me a phony number. I decided to give her a call I kept repeating in my head please don’t let it be a fake. I almost even said it when she picked up. I was relieved to know that it wasn’t a fake. She had gone to see us perform and said she was on her way back.

I could only hope that I could get cleaned up before she came back, lord knows I was sweaty and not very appealing. I didn't, she came back before I knew it but, she just looked at me and smiled. I walked up to her and told her I would get cleaned up and we would leave. I wanted to look my best so I took about a half an hour to get cleaned up. When I came out she was sitting on the couch and just smiled as I made my way towards her.
I asked her if she was ready and we headed on out. On our way out we bumped in to the guys. I quickly introduced her to them. They seem pleased to see that I had finally decided to take out one of our fans. Usually they know I would hesitate because they are our fans but, this one was special. We headed out to the car and I was very eager to get to know her she had mentioned that her friend Angie had surprised her with the tickets as an early birthday present.
"When is your birthday?"
“February 28”

Wow, that’s a tad bit early. She laughed.When we arrived at Starbucks, she seemed puzzled as to why we were ordering to go. Then she just seemed pleased. I took her to a cemetery, I never realized that I would find someone that would enjoy the cemetery as much as I did.
We talked for hours. We even got to see the sunrise. It was beautiful. I wanted to kiss her so bad but. I had to hold back. She was worried once she found out what time it was. She needed to go to work at 11:00 am so, she needed to go home. I apologized and offered to give her a ride to work.
She blushed and said it wasn’t my fault we were just having to much fun. We arrived at her apartment and she invited me in. I had never seen someones apartment look this way, it was in maroon and black.

I could tell her favorite color was maroon. I asked her about her drawings and she told me about the fairy she had drawn on her wall. She took me into her bedroom and the only thing that I kept thinking about was how I wanted to throw her on the bed and do things to her.
I had never felt this way, it took me a second to realize that she was looking at me and was wondering why I hadn’t said anything at all so, I commented on her room.

Great now she must think I’m gay I had to take my mind of this so I kept talking about her room.

“Are you hungry?” she asked

“Yes just a little.”

“Okay I will make us something to eat.”

We sat down on her table to eat the scrambled eggs she made. I had to ask her, “Do you get the feeling like we have known each other our whole lives”

“Just a little. I feel more comfortable with you than with anyone else. I don't know why but, I must be honest I most certainly don’t mind this feeling at all. Do you?”

“Of course not I like you and I do intend on hanging out with you again.”

I can’t seem to be myself. I’m so nervous. After we ate she told me she was going to start getting ready to go to work. She said make yourself at home. I began to watch TV then I began to feel really tired and I fell asleep. When I woke up I found my self still lying on her couch but, the TV was off. I figured she was out of the bathroom but, when I sat up I saw a note on the coffee table that said, “Gerard you looked to peaceful and I didn't want to wake you. I had to go. Feel free to stay and make your self at home. I won’t be home until seven or eight depending on the bus. With Love Maria”

How sweet. Did she say the bus? There’s no way that I’m going to let her take the bus home. When I woke up it was about to be 7:00, I wonder if the driver is still here.

Maria’s (POV)

I arrived at work and I was tired as hell but, I decided to take responsibility because I knew I had to work the next day but stayed out late. Plus it was worth it. I got to spend the whole night with Gerard. While I was at work I had completely forgotten about Angie, until my phone rang and the caller ID read Angie. I walked out of the store and answered my phone, “Hey, what the hell happened to you? You never came back from the bathroom! Did you miss the show?”

“Better! I lost my ticket and the dick head of the guard wouldn’t let me back in. So I had to sit outside and I thought I would miss the whole show but, I decided to sneak in through and opening in the back and guess were I ended up?”

“I don’t know. In the security office with a huge fine?”

“No, I almost got caught and Gerard saved my ass. He saw me and a guard came close to finding me to but he saved me and took me back stage. He asked me to go drink a cup of coffee with him after the show!”

“Bullshit! You’re lying!”

“No! I swear we went to get Starbucks and then he took me to a cemetery and we watched the sunrise and I didn’t sleep at all and he’s at my apartment right now sleeping.”

“Bitch why didn’t you call me?”

“I tried but your phone was off!”

“Well I guess you had a great early birthday present.”

“Yes and I thank you for that. You want to get together after work?”

“No. If Gerard is still at your apartment there’s a chance he will probably still be there when you get out. I’ll talk to you later I got to go.”

“Ok then bye.”

She didn’t sound very happy but, she will get over it. After almost seven hours of exhaustion I had began to fall asleep at the front desk. I decided to get some Starbucks with three shots of espresso. As I was about to leave my co-worker Millie asked me if I could cover for her and in exchange she would buy me the coffee. I agreed. It was getting close to closing and I had began to plug in all the phones in the store when I heard the door open. I whipped back really fast and saw Gerard standing at the door with his hand behind his back. You could imagine my excitement when I saw him there.

“Hi what are you doing here?”

“My driver brought me. Oh here these are for you.” He handed me a dozen roses.

“You're too sweet. I thought you would have left already.”

“No, we're going to be here for about a week or so.”

“That’s good.”

“So what do you say we go have diner somewhere nice after you get out of work?”

“Sure but I have to go home and change first.”

“No need I already thought about that so I bought you something to wear.”

I was stunned but, it gave me more of a reason to hurry up and close up. Millie was just walking back in to the store after she had left a second time. She recognized Gerard and looked at me and smiled.

“So who is your gentlemen friend?”

“Gerard this is my co-worker Millie.”

She gave me this look of approval and she decided to let me go home early. Gerard and I headed back to my apartment and I walked in to my room and saw three black boxes with maroon red bows on them. They were neatly stacked on my bed. I figured that this was what Gerard had gotten me to wear. I opened up the first box which was very small. Inside I found a really nice necklace black with red gem stones on it. Inside the medium box I found really nice stilettos in black with maroon red trimming stitching on them. They were perfect. In the big and final box I found a beautiful dress it was just my style. The top part looked like a corset and the skirt part was black and about mid thigh. The corset was black and had red lacing in the mid chest part. It was beautiful.

“So are you going to change or just stare at the clothes?”

“Yes,I am going to change. Thank you. All of it is beautiful.”

“Well it’s only the best for my girl.”

He left the room so that I could change. My girl? Wow, he wants me to be his girl? I got dressed and pinned my hair back. I put on the shoes and the necklace. I took one last look at myself in the mirror. I began to walk out of my room and in to my living room were I found Gerard sitting on my couch.

He looked up at me and was stunned. He had this look on his face of disbelief. I smiled and blushed a little.

“You look great.”

“Thank you. You ready?”


We headed downstairs and we got in the car. He said to the driver to the Olive Garden. I had never been there until now, I really didn't have a reason for going. I always wished that someone special would take me to some sort of fancy restaurant. Finally it was with someone very special. We arrived at the Olive Garden.I had no idea what to order. I had never been there so I didn't know what was good. Remembering that Gerard was half Italian I asked him what was good. He smiled and replied , “Well the chicken alfredo is good. There are many difrent types of pastas as well. You just have to know which one to get.”

So I decided to get the chicken alfredo. It was pretty good. Half way through the meal I realized that Gerard kept on looking over in my direction and smiling.