A Night To Remember

Dinner time :)

I couldn't help but wonder to myself if there was something wrong with the way I was eating.

"Gerard, can I ask you some thing?".

"Yeah, what's up"

"I don't want to sound to forward or anything but, why do you keep looking at me like that?"

"Honestly because I find myself distracted by your beauty"

Wow, did he really just say that? Oh my god I wish I had a tape recorder.

"Wow that is the sweetest thing anybody has ever said to me"

"So tell me were you born here or did you move here?"

"I moved out here about a year ago. I moved from California."

"If you don't mind me asking, why the move?"

"Oh well I moved out here with my ex. It didn't quite work out so he left back to Cali and I stayed here."

"Oh, well I'm glad it didn't work out.

"You and me both, now if you will excuse me, I have to use the use the ladies room."

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No, of course not, I really do have to use the ladies room"

I grinned back at him in reassurance. As I began to walk toward the ladies room, I couldn't help but notice the rest of the people that were there.
There was this elderly couple celabrating their 60th anniversary of marrige. I couln't help but smile, it must wonderful it must be to know that you have found someone that will be there with you for the rest of your life.

I couldn't help but to think that I said some thing wrong. She had said I didn't but I can't shake this feeling off. I really do like this girl and I don't want to mess it up. Gerard just stop thinking about it, she said we didn't then we didn't. Great now I'm talking to myself. I couldn't help but to notice a crowd of the employees singing

"The way you look tonight"

Hhmm I wonder why? Oh okay here she is. Look at that great smile. How is it that you can meet one person in the matter of a few minutes and it can turn your world upside down?

"Oh did you see they were singing 'The Way You Look Tonight'? How sweet."

"Yeah I noticed but for what? Did you see?"

"There is a couple over there that is celebrating their 60th aniversary, I guess that must be their song or something. So tell me, do you ususally date girls you meet at shows?"

"No, actually your the first. I saw you and I thought to my self there is some thing different about this girl. I just have to get to know her."

"You mean aside from the fact that I was compleetly star-struck when I saw you?"


"Wow I guess there is more to me than meets the eye. Well I hate to do this but it's getting late and I am very tired."

"Oh ok don't worry, there is just one place I want to take you before I take you home."


He asked for the check and as we waited I didn't want to make it seem as though I couldn't stop looking at him. I began to look around and began to examine the people around me. There was this lady sitting at the table to the left of us, still waitting for her food to arrive. She was an elderly woman wearing a blue hat with a peacock feather on it. 'Wow, I thought they stoped making those'. My thought's were inturupted by Gerards voice.
"Lovely hat don't you think? Would you like one?" He said it giving me a smirk.
I laughed and replied, "Why no thank you, I have one in red"

He just laughed and said, "You are a very strange girl if you truely do have one, although my mother would love you!"

I simply smiled as he stood up and helped me from my chair. The waiter had returned with our reciept. As we walked out of the restaurant a shiver crept up my back.
Gerard took off his jacket like a gentleman and placed it over me. He opened the door to the car and I climbed in.

"So were are we going?"

"Well it wouldn't be a suprice if I told you would it?"

"Your very sneaky, but I like that."

We soon arived and when we got out of the car I realized we were at Baskin Robins.

I turned and he looked at me and said, "Now what kind of dinner would that have been if we didn't have dessert?"

I smiled and we went in and ordered. Oh I didn't want this night to end I was having to much fun. I was begining to feel so comfortable with him, so much that I was begining to forget he was a famous singer.

"I think we should toast to tonight."

"With ice cream?"

"Yes with ice cream, so to this night I say im glad I met you and I hope we have many many more of these dates together."

"To friendship and new relationships"

We both laughed and hit our ice creams together. Once we finished our ice creams we headed back to the car. I began to fall asleep in the car and he pulled me closer to him wraping his arm around me. I remember hearing his heart beatting. I had never felt this way before, usually it would take a few months before I got comfortable with any one. Could I be falling for him?
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I see I have 3 reader's...just wondering what you guy's thing about the story. Please let me know what you guy's think.