A Night To Remember


As I slept in Gerards arms I fell in to a deep sleep. My mind began to take me back in to those days when I thought I was in love. Boy was I dead wrong about that.

(Flash Back)
I was sitting down on the coutch watching tv the first time it happened. He must have been ticked off about something when he got home. He didn't even say hi, he just walked in, dumped all he's stuff from work on the ground, and walked in to the room. I guess it was my fault that it happened to begin with, angry I stood up and walked over to pick up his things and walked in to the room.
As I placed his thing in there place I turned and said to him , "What's up your ass? You can't even say hello anymore?"

I looked in to his eyes and realized that he was mor pissed off then I thought. I felt a sharp pain on my left cheek. I gasped as I realized he puched me.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again!"

He was griping my arm so hard and tugging on it making me look like if I was a rag doll. With tears stinging my eyes as they rolled down to my cheek he paused and looked at me and simply said , "I'm sorry but you asked for it babe, maybe this way you will learn. You know I love you"

He walked away and left me crying on the bedroom floor. I looked down at my arm and noticed a huge purple mark begining to form were his hands were at.

I figured it was my fault. I should have never spoken to him that way.

"Maria, it's time to wake up"

I froze as I began to recognize the voice of the person it was coming from. It was Mike my ex, but how did he get in here. I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me. I quickly sat up but he put his hands on my shoulders and pinned me to the headboard of my bed. I looked around and saw no sign of Gerard. Where did he go?

"What's wrong you look like you have seen a ghost?"He taunted

"Mike, how did you get in here?"

"It's not that hard when you leave your front door open."

"What do you want?"

"You baby. I've missed you,you know."

He leaned in to kiss me, I used all the force I had and pushed him off of me. I quickly scrambled off the bed and looked at him as he stood up to try to catch me. I ran out of the room and in to the living room. He caught me by my arm and knocked me to the ground. I tried to push him off of me but lost. He was now directly on top of me and I could feel his breath on my lips.

"It's okay this won't hurt I promise, I'll make it quick"

I closed my eyes and tears began to fall from my eyes, I tried to block it out but I could feel him running he's hands up my shirt. I kept wishing that someone, anyone would come rescue me. Out of no where my front door flung open and I felt some one pull Mike off of me. Still in tears I opened my eyes to see Gerard beating the crap out of Mike. I stood up and ran to hide behind my couch. I pulled my knees up to my chest and just cried. I could hear both of them grunting and fist hitting eachother but I was to frightened to look.

Then silence swept over my living room. I could no longer hear anything but foot steps...some one was walking towards me. I shut my eyes once again hoping to dissapear. The foot steps got closer and soon he was knelt down next to me. My heart stoped I thought it was Mike but I heard Gerard voice,
"Maria are you okay?"

I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I just opened my eyes, hugged him and cried in to he's chest. he's heart was beating so hard.

"Im sorry I just went down to the store to buy some eggs to make you breakfast. I didn't know this would happen"

"It's ok your here now. What happened to Mike?"

"He's knocked out but we should call the police... Wait you know him?"

"Yes....he's my ex."

We sat there in silence, I kept thinking of a way to tell him what was going on. He seemed to be calm and not questioning me. When I opened my mouth to speak the police got there and arrested Mike.

"Don't worry you don't have to explain until your ready to tell me. For now let's get you out of here yeah?"

"Okay, were do you want to go."

"Somewhere, where I can keep you safe."

(Later that day)
I was lucky that I didn't have to work the next day. All I really wanted to do was take a shower and to be honest, lock myself in my apartment. Gerard took me down stairs and we got in to the car. He told the driver, whose name I learned to be James, something. I coudln't hear what he said but a few seconds later Gerard was in the car with me. He took off his jacket and put it on me as he wraped his arm around me. I turned to face him and began to explain.

"So about Mike, he's my ex. We moved out here from California with false hopes of having a good life together. He promised me that we would be great. Well that was a lie. I began to see the true Mike. He began to hit me, at first I thought that it was my fault but then he began to just hit me for no reason. I finally got fed up with it and left him. I packed all of my things and moved in with my Aunt Laura. She helped me get back on my feet and well find this nice apartment. I haven't seen Mike, let alone spoken to him but, I guess he must have found out were I moved to."

"I'm really sorry I should have never left your door unlocked."

"It's ok it's not your fault. You didn't know. It would have happened to me even if you weren't there. I'm just glad you got there when you did."

"I just really wish I would have waited for you to wake up."

"It's ok, Gerard it's not your fault."

"Look Maria, I know you keep saying it wasn't my fault but...I know we haven't known eachother long but I wish I could keep you safe. I don't know but...I really like you. I know I'm just rambling on but I do..."

He was cut off by my lips colliding with his. It wasn't like any other kiss it was different. It was un like anything they had felt before. It was an explosion of intoxicating lust could it be....love?
Maria then began to realize that it wasn't to good to be true and this could be some thing special.
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So my other chapter was short so I decided to give you guy's two up date's. Enjoy :)