A Night To Remember

Sweet Kisses

There was some thing electrifying about this kiss, some thing that I've never felt before. The way his lips were so soft and gentle. Our lips parted and we began to explore each others mouths with our tongues. His was so soft and tasted like candy. I'm not sure what kind of candy, just sweet. We were torn apart by the car coming to a complete stop. I looked up at Gerard and stared into his hazel eyes. He was no longer the famous Gerard Way from My Chemical Romance, he was just Gerard. I couldn't believe that I had the courage to kiss him. A smile crept up on my face. My thoughts were broken by Gerards questioning voice

"What was that for?"

"For you being yourself and caring so much about me. Thank you"

My mouth seemed to be have a mind of its own today. Before I had the chance to think those words just came out of my mouth. I just simply smiled as he placed his hand on my chin and kissed me once more. Once again the kiss seemed so sweet yet, addictive. I didn't want my lips to part from his. It seems that he had the same thought lingering in his head. I didn't realize that we had arrived at our destination, until the driver announced "We're here Mr.Way." We parted once more as he looked at me.

"Shall we?"

"We shall"

I smiled as Gerard made his way out of the car and extended his hand to me. It wasn't until then that I realized that we were in down town Portland. I always loved it here, so peaceful and everyone was so nice. Come to think of it everyone in Oregon was nice. We began to walk towards the entrance of a big hotel. The building was so tall I didn't get a chance to read the name. We walked in hand in hand and headed to the elevator. The doors opened and we walked in. Gerard pushed the number "10" button.

We stood there looking at each other for a while. I began to wonder what he would tell the guys.

"Yes, you are going to be staying with me."

"What about the rest of the guys, what are you going to tell them? I mean I don't want them to think I'm some sort of groupie. I could stay with Angie."

Gerard cut me off from the rant that was beginning to form in my head.

"Maria, it's okay. They won't think that you're some sort of groupie. I promise. I'll explain to them what happened...if it's okay with you."

"To be honest it's a bit embarrassing, I mean come on, you meet this girl, take her out on two dates and, then you find out that she has a psychopath for an ex? Gee, I wonder how the guys will see me after that."

"You're too hard on yourself, you know that? Trust me the guys will understand, you have nothing to worry about nor, be embarrassed about."

He wrapped his arms around me in reassurance that everything would be ok. The elevator came to a stop, we were now on the 10th floor. The doors opened and we walked down the hall to his room. He pulled out his wallet and took out a card key to open the room. He smiled and swiped the card and opened the door. We walked in and the room was every thing I imagined, you know the kind you always see on TV, with the fruit in the center table and big windows that overlook the whole city? Yeah, that's what it looked like. I walked over to the window and looked out. The view was amazing, I could see all of Portland and the Columbia River. Gerard walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You like the view, babe?"

"It's amazing."

That small moment made me forget all my troubles. Mike was no longer in my head. I turned to face Gerard. His arms still wrapped around my waist he leaned in and kissed me once more. His kisses are so sweet, we were beginning to fall in to a trance holding each other and kissing each other when, we heard a knock at the door. We broke apart and just smiled at each other.

Gerard walked over to the door and I turned to face the beautiful view once more, from behind me I heard Gerard open the door and Frank Iero walked in.

"Hey Frank, you remember Maria?"

I turned and began to walk towards them. I smiled at Frank who was staring at me with a confused look on his face. I extended my hand out to him and said

"Hey Frank"

"Hey, Gerard we were going to head out to eat some breakfast you wanna come with?"

"Yeah sure, umm let me just changed real quick. We will meet you guys down stairs okay?"

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you again Maria. Your coming with us right?"

I couldn't how nice he was.

"Yeah sure."

I smiled and Frank walked out the door. I then realized that I had left my gym bag in the trunk of the car. You would imagine that with everything that happened, one would forget about getting a change of clothes, huh? Well nope, your wrong.I packed up a few pieces of clothing and shoved them in my gym back when the police were talking to Gerard. I heard him say that he wasn't going to let me stay there so, I packed a bag.

"What's on your mind babe?"

"I forgot my gym bag with my clothes in the car"

"That's okay, I'll send someone for them."

"Thanks." I lent towards him and kissed him lightly on the cheek as a sort of thank you. Moments later we heard a knocking on the door, it was the driver with my gym bag. Gerard thanked him and he handed me my gym bag.