Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Do You Expect Me to Fall for That?

I woke up to an empty room and the sounds of My Chemical Romance blaring from the computer in the corner of the dorm room I shared with my best friend.

I swung my legs over the side of my bed as my dorm-mate, Libby, burst through the door, "GET UP!" she shrieked. "Its 2 in the afternoon! Doors for the MCR concert open in only six hours and we need to be there in two!"

I sighed. "FOR THE LAST TIME LIBBERS!: We don't have these funny little things called tickets, that enable us to get it.. Oh.. And its SOLD OUT!" I muttered.

"Not for us it isn't! I told you, Bob is my cousin and Ray's my godbrother..."

"Har-har... This is getting redundant, Libby," I said walking over to my dresser and searching for clothes.

Libby blinked, "I'm serious... Now get dressed so we can go."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever.. Libby, I've known you since we were what... 7? Why have I never met them?"

"Hrm.. Maybe because they live in JERSY and we lived in BOSTON?"

"Whatever..." I said again pulling out a pair of black dickies and lime-green and black vertically striped corset. I then made my way for the comunity bathroom.