Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Did You Take Your Teenie Pill Today?

After doing Gerard, Mikey and Frank's make-up Libby rejoined me. "You and Mikey looked cute," she said hip-checking me.

I smiled, "He's a cutie."

"OH MY GOD! This is so perfect!"

"What is?" I asked, not following.

"Well... I like Gerard... You like his brother... Hello! Double dating!"

Okay.. She was scaring me now... With that squeaky voice and that crazed look in her eye... At that moment, she looked and sounded like a cheerleader and/or teenie...

I laughed, "Me and---- You think---- Haha!" I trailed off in a fit of laughter.

"What?" she asked confused.

"Mikey has a girlfriend. We were talking about her in the dorm room... We're just having fun together," I said still giggling. She looked less than amused, "Besides Libby.. Mikey's not my type.. You know that."

"Yeah, you like rhythm guitarists," she muttered under her breath.

"What?" I asked, sincerely not hearing her.


"Whatever," I said with a shrug before grinning and nudging her, "So... You and Gerard?"

Her blank expression cracked into a wide grin, "We kind of kissed when you were fighting with Frankie," she revealed.

"Oh my god!" I squealed. "Wait... which time?"

"The 'Fuse' time..."

"Aha!" I exclaimed before, "Awwww! He's cute," I grinned. She raised a brow, "Okay he's fucking gorgeous," I laughed.

She smiled and nodded, "Hell yeah! ...they all are though. Even your arch nemesis.. Especially when he's in a tizzy," she smirked.

"Uh.. Okay.. Maybe you should date Frankie.."

"What?! No way!!" she yelled with a shudder.

I laughed, "Alright..." I said a bit confused and raising a brow to show it.

"No! I just meant... Ugh.. Nevermind," she sighed. "So... What do you think about Ray?" She asked deviously.

"Uh.. He's fun.." I said cautiously while giving her a weirded out look..

"I'll be he's real fun.."

"Okay then... I am so not drinking Aquafina anymore," I said looking down at the water next to her, "Obviously, it's contaminated."

"So Bob's cool------"

"Stop Libby!!" I laugh. "I'm already taken... Erm.. Atleast I think I am.. I'm actually not too sure after some recent findings.." I said trailing off.

"Really?" she asked shocked, "Oh my God! Are you and Travis back together?! Celeste, I thought we talked about this!"

"No.. Not Travis," I said before looking at the ground, "I kind of.. I.. Fuck.. Gerard and I kissed!"

"WHAT?!" she shrieked.

I nearly fell over laughing, "I'm..k-kidding!" I choked out. "Now will you stop trying to hook me up?!"

"Alright..." she sighed, holding her hand over her heart like she had just had an attack, "Just promise me you'll never do that again!"

I snickered, "Let's get some stage footage!" I said sprinting for the stage with my new camera.

"Heey!" she whined running after me, realizing I'd avoided answering her.