Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Drunk Kissing is Worse than Drunk Dialing...

Gerard grinned and rose his eyebrows a few times, “He wishes,” Libby interjected before kissing him on the cheek.

“Alright, so while I’m in an interviewing mood… The most popular question your fans for you: Do you, Gerard Way, have a belly button?”

“What?” he laughed, “who ever asks that?”

“Trust me, people ask… Don’t change the subject,” I smiled. Libby gave a firm nod.

“I have one!” Mikey said lifting his shirt, “See?” he asked pointing to it.

“Awwww,” I smiled poking it.

“Ooft,” he said holding his stomach.

I’ll admit, for the adorable one… He had a rather nice stomach. Libby nodded, knowing exactly what I was thinking.

Once settled inside, Frankie and Bob began playing video games while the rest of us sat at the dinning room table in the “kitchen net” and talked. We were all drinking, totally exhausting the ‘medium-bar’ as I had dubbed it. Ray was intently telling us about some random movie he had recently seen.

“We’re out of ice…” Libby noticed before kissing Gerard.

“I’ll get some more,” I said picking up the ice bucket.

“I’ll go with you,” Mikey said as I got up.

While I nearly toppled over… I realized: I was pretty, if not extremely drunk…

“Okay!” I laughed as he knocked the chair over.

“Oops..” he giggled.

“But I was just at the best part!” Ray whined.

“I saw that movie though!” I lied… Or I think I lied.. Maybe I did see it? I don’t know.. I couldn’t remember at that moment.

“Oh… Alright then,” he smiled before going back to telling Gerard and Libby about it… Only, they were a bit preoccupied with another make-out session… Ew.

Mikey and I walked down to the ice machine at the end of the hallway.

“So you really listen to us, Celest?” Mikey said with an obviously drunken tone as I filled the ice bucket up. “You’re not just saying that?”

“No, I love you guys,” I said honestly…

Okay… So… I slurred honestly.

“You’re my favorite bassist. Mikey! Your parts are so fucking complicated!” I said.

“Really?” he asked amazed.

“Yeah!” I replied with a smiled.

Wow… We were standing really close…

“Oh my god! You’re my favorite fan!” he giggled before our eyes locked on one another’s.

His lips then suddenly brushed against mine and we kissed.

I dropped the ice bucket and we both jumped back startled not by the bucket… But the kiss…

“Oh my god…” I muttered, and Mikey looked just as terrified as I felt.

“We didn’t just---”

I nodded before he could finish his sentence, “We… We did…”


“Mikey! I’m drunk.. We.. We’re[/] drunk… I don’t like you… I.. And you.. .You..”

“I have a girlfriend!”

“Y-yeah.. That..”

“Oh my god..” he whispered. “Celeste… You rock, but I don’t want you like that either…” he said looking really confused and upset. “What… Why did...Why did that just happen?” he slurred.

“We’re really drunk…” I stated as if that answered everything.

Mikey still looked terrified, “What do I tell my girlfriend?”

“Mikey… Calm down… It was just a kiss…” I said trying to comfort him. “We didn’t sleep together… We kissed.. Tell her about it, obviously, but she’s not going to dump you…”

Atleast, I hoped… I mean… It was just a kiss

“B-but she’ll hate you…” he frowned.

I laughed slightly, “Um.. Better me than you…”

“I’m sorry…”

“Mikey its----” my face turned white.


“Bucket! NOW!” I ordered.

He quickly grabbed the bucket, handed it to me and I puked… A lot…