Are You a Lover or a Fighter?


I watched the show in silence as Libby came beside me. "Staring at Frank?" she seemed to note.

"No," I said with a glare. "Why would you even say that?"

"Because your eyes are following him around stage and you're smirking to yourself... and shaking your head at him," she said in an amused tone.

"You're wrong," I muttered.

"Hey gorgeous," someone said behind us, causing me to mentally cringe.

"Hey Alex," I said politely.

Libby walked off. I couldn't believe she was trying to hook me up with him! Ugh!

"What're you up to?" he asked with a smile.

"Nothing watyching the boys."

Don't get me wronbg Alex was cute but he just gave off this odd vibe. I couldn't quite place it, but I didn't trust him.

"Want to go outside for a cigarette?" he asked.

"No thanks," I replied with a shrug.

He returned the shrug. "Alright, but I'm dying for one, so I'll catch you later Celeste," he answered before walking off.

He was really nice... so what was I so apprehensive about?

Not to long after Alex had left, the boys came off stage and headed for the dressing room.