Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Bad News & Bad Vibes...

My phone rang in my pocket; I pulled it out to see that Libby's mom, Terry, was calling me.

"What's up momma Ter?" I asked her as I walked outside for better reception, and a cigarette.

"Celeste, hunny, I have some bad new..." she said in a sad and weary tone.

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern and fear.

"It's your mother, she passed away..." she tried to break the news gently, as my chest tightened.

"She overdosed?" I asked as calmly as possible.

"Yes baby, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be," I laughed. "You were more of a mother to me than she ever was. Good riddance... Listen.... I uh... need to go, we're about to go out for dinner."

"O...Okay," she replied in an unsure tone at my convincing faux non-chalance.

"Bye momma Ter... Love you."

"Love you too... You should get a copy of her will tonight at the hotel. I'll fax the arrangement dates as well.."

"Alright, but it doesn't matter," I said with a shrug. "Bye."


There was the click of the disconnection before I allowed my shoulders to sink and tears to fall. I collapsed against the wall of the arena as Frank walked out and lit a cigarette. I turned away from him, hiding my tears.

"What're you doing psycho?" he asked in a snooty tone as he took a large drag on his marlboro light.

"Frank, please," I sniffled, "go away.... I can't deal with you right now."

"I'm smoking," he replied with a shrug.

"Please," I asked in a soft, pleading tone. "Go do a meet and greet or something... Just leave me alone for a while..."

He mumbled before flicking his cigarette and dissapearing.

After a while my crying stopped. My chesat still ached and my breathing was shakey. I lit a cigarette and inhaled the fumes, wiping my moist cheeks.

I heard the door to the back stage open and close with a metallic clank.

"Hey," Alex said as he came over next to me.

"Hey," I replied softly.

"Are you alright? You look like you've been crying..." he noted.

I nodded, "I'll be fine."

He took a step closer and hugged me, "Whatever's wrong... I hope you feel better."

"Thanks," I said sincerely, returning the hug. He smiled at me for a moment before moving his lips towards mine. I turned my head to the side. "Look Alex I--"

“What, you don’t like me?” he asked, raising a brow.

“Not like that,” I confessed.

“We’ll just have to change that,” he smirked, trying to kiss me again.

I tried to break away from him, but his grip on me tightened. He pushed his hips against mine and I could feel him through his jeans. “Let me go,” I said, trying to push him away.

“What’re you going to do about it?” he asked with a menacing grin as he managed to pin me while one of his hands crept up my shirt. “I’ll tell you what... Let’s play a game, of my choice of course, since you’ve been playing games with me for weeks.”

“Stop,” I growled.

He removed his hand and struck me across the face. My cheek burned. “Shut the fuck up!” he ordered.

I tried to knee him in the crotch, but he avoided it by turning slightly. He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me forcefully against the concrete of the wall, knocking the wind out of me. I felt something warm trickle down the back of my neck--- blood--- bringing the situation to a harsh reality.

No one would come out for me, everyone was far too busy with post-show take down and rituals.

I felt the sting of a new set of tears forming.

Alex just smirked as his hand trailed to the rim of my shorts, “I win.”

“Please don’t do this...” I said crying.

“Aw hunny, begging is so fucking hot,” he said in a hiss-like tone as he unbuttoned the top of my jeans.

Before I had a chance to let another tear fall, Alex was on the ground with a familiar dark-haired boy on top of him, hitting him harder than would seem possible.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch her, look at her or even think about her again!” he screamed, slamming Alex’s head off the pavement. Alex tried to fight back while trying to say that I had asked him to “fuck me”. “Shut the fuck up or I’ll fucking kill you, you lying sack of shit. You’re a fucking dead man if you ever go near Celeste again!”

One of the security guards came out, “What’s going on?”

“Joe, call the police... This little fucker just tried to rape Celeste...”

Joe grabbed Alex, who was almost unrecognizable with all the blood on his face and only half conscious, and took him inside. My savior looked over, “Are you alright?”

I tried to nod, but instead I shook my head, crying harder. “T-thank F-franky,” I managed through sobs.

He pulled me into a tight hug, rubbing my back softly. “It’s alright Celeste, I’ve got you; You’re safe,” he whispered caringly. Showing a completely different side of himself. “Did he hurt you earlier?” I shook my head ‘no’. “You seemed upset,” he noted in a soft tone.

“My mom died,” I explained, still crying.

He wiped my cheeks gently. “Let’s go for a drive, get you some coffee and talk, hmm?” he offered. “We can deal with all of this later...” he said motioning to the direction Joe and Alex had gone.

I nodded and he kept his arm around me in a comforting and consoling manner as we walked over to the rental car.