Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Is Star Wars Playing in the Rec Room Again?

"I'll get it..." I said opening the door to five hooded figures with their heads down, "Uh... Is Star Wars playing in the rec room again?" I shouted behind me to Libby.

One of the figures' head shot up, "Is it?!" a boy with brown hair and glasses asked.

Someone screamed in the hallway.

"Nice one Mike!" Another member yelled as they rushed into the room, shutting and locking the door behind them.

"Um.. Excuse me," I smiled, "But.. What the fuck are you doing in my room?!" I screamed.

The boy closest to me took his hoodie off, "I told you our diguises would never work.. We wear hoodies all the time!"

My mouth dropped and I pointed at the boy, "Huh!" He laughed and I looked at Libby, "Libby.. Libby! Why is Frank Iero in our room? Did Aaron slip something in my drink again?"

"My. Cousin. Is. The. DRUMMER! Do you believe me now?!" She yelled.


"Yeah.. But.. Are they really showing Star Wars?" Mikey asked again.

"No," a boy with long black hair answered. I recognized him as Gerard, the lead singer. Libby froze. "I already checked," he sighed.

"Nice desktop," Ray grinned in front of my computer.

"How'd that get there?" I asked, pulling the plug on my computer before Ray could call attention to the MCR background, "Must be a virus."

"Mhmm..." he laughed.

People were banging on our door now.

"Don't you guys have security?!" I yelled.

"We wanted to sneak out without them," Frank announced.

"So they can break my fucking door down!? Niiiice!" I said oozing with sarcasm.

Libby was too busy talking to Ray and Bob while staring at Gerard to notice my screaming.

Gerard, Mikey and Frankie just blinked at me, "Uh.. I'm really sorry about this.." Gerard offered as someone hit the door so hard it cracked.

"Shit!" I yelled.

"Celeste?!" someone yelled outside the door.


"Why the fuck are people raiding your fucking room, babe?!"

"I'll explain later.. just please do something!"

"You owe!" he yelled.

About an hour or so later (roughly 5pm), things had calmed down and Travis came in, "Holy shit.." he said looking at all the guys.

I moved from the corner I had secluded myself in, "Thats Gerard, Mikey, Ray, Bob... and Frank," I introduced.

"Travis," Trav said with a wave. "Hey.. Wait a minute," Trav grinned, "you're the guys on Celeste's computer-background. Haha! Apparently you guys are 'the sex'!"

Frank smirked, "Really? She won't even talk to me."