Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

You're Such a Diva!

I elbowed Travis in the ribs, "Dickhead." I muttered.

"Why won't you talk to him? He's 'the sex'? Remember.. your desktop? 'My Chemical Romance is the Sex!'?"

"Because, him and his cronies nearly got me killed by a rush of MTV-loving college girls.. And by the way.. You're an asshole!" I said smacking him.

"We're sorry!" Mikey said hugging me tight, "Please don't hate us Celest... I'll cry... Seriously, I will," he said sniffling.

My face lightened, my glare turning to a smile. I looked over at Libby and mouthed an 'oh. my. god!' before looking back at Mikey, "Could you be more adorable?!" I squealed. "Okay.. You're forgiven. But Travis is still an asshole."

"And I'm still the sex?" Frank asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

I scoweled, "Thanks for mocking me, asshole."

"What the fuck is her problem?" he asked Libby. Libby shrugged.

"I don't appreciate divas making fun of me," I nearly hissed, "And thats whats wrong with me!"

What an asshole!

"Wait... I'm the fucking diva now?! Bitch," he muttered.

"Whatever, you fucking douche-bag," I glared. Mikey hugged me again.

"Don't listen to Frankie!" Mikey say. "You're not a bitch.. He's mildly retarded."

I smiled at this. "Yeah.. Frank.. Shut the fuck up dude," Ray said.

"What?! Just because little miss Hot Topic over there has to cop an att---"

"Excuse me?!" I screamed at him. "My pants were actually part of a uniform for a job... Do you know what a fucking JOB is, Frank? And I made this fucking shirt.. You're a fucking walking advertisment for Hot Topic! Not all of us are divas who can afford to buy all our shit from such an expensive coorperate American opperation such as Hot Topic where a corset would run about $80, fuck you very much!"

"Pffft... Ouch!" Ray laughed as Frank's face turned a deep shade of red.

"FUCK YOU!" he roared before looking over at Gerard, "Gerard.. Pleease.. Tell me this is not the girl thats coming with Bob's cousin, on tour with us?"

"What?" I questioned.

"Yes.. It is so stop being a dick..." Gerard answered giving me an apollogetic nod.

"Are. You. Kidding. Me?!" Frank asked.

"What?!" I questioned a second time.

"I talked to our teachers and they're letting us do a 'semester abroad/career study' thing. You as a journalist and me as a stylist... It was a surprise."

Frank and I looked at eachother, as if on cue, "Fuck that!" We said simultaneously before glaring at eachother.

"No.. Come on Celeste.. You're really cool.. You two have to come," he said his eyes flickering to Libby for a second.

"It'll look good on a resume," Bob chimed.

"And we'll buy you pizza and beer..." Ray added.

"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" Mikey asked with a pout. "Ooh.. And Frankie will leave you alone.. Or... I'll kick his ass!" Frankie snickered at this.. Okay.. All the guys snickered at this.

"How could I say no to that face?" I laughed before giving another glare to Frank, "Fine."

"Joy," he muttered.

"Fuck. Off."

"How long is this tour?" Frankie asked.

"Six months," Gerard answered.

Frank got up with a glare putting his face so close to mine that our noses were nearly touching, "Goody," he muttered sarcastically with a glare before storming off.

"Frank?" Ray called.