Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

-What- Explains A Lot?

"Honestly.. What the fuck is up with him?" Bob asked.

"He's not Mikey's favorite anymore," I teased causing them to laugh. I picked up Frankie's discarded hoodie and tossed it to Ray, "Er.. Look, I'm sorry guys," I said to them, even though it obviously wasn't my fault that Frank was a complete asshole.

"Don't be sorry," Ray responded.

Gerard and Libby were in a very deep conversation involving 'The Clash' and... pens. Okay, so obviously I meant deep as in, they were engulfed.

I flopped backward onto my bed as my door flew open, " I forgot my sweatshirt," Frank muttered.

Ray threw it at him.

"You know.." Frank said in raised tone that less than subtly indictated he wanted his friends to go with him, "we should get to sound-check."

"We have time..." Mikey noted.

"Whatever..." he replied flatly, obviously displeased.

"OoOoOoo! Quick! Get all emo and run away!" I said sarcastically with a laugh. Ray chuckled, but tried to cover it with a laugh after Frank gave him a glare.

"Seriously.. How can one person be such a bitch?" he asked snidely now directing his glaring eyes to me.

"You tell me," I glared back.

"If you were a guy.. I'd punch you in the face," he said seriously.

I looked him over and gaved a bored laugh, "Hmph, wouldn't do much damage.." The was stiffled laughter in the background.

"Go fuck yourself, Sara!" He yelled, his face red with anger.

"My name's Celeste Is that too hard to process, half-wit?!" I screamed back.

"...Dude," Bob said giving Frank and odd look, one that I couldn't really place..

Frank pointed to Bob with a look of 'shut the fuck up', "Fuck. You!"

"Frank's departure in 3.. 2.. Gone!" I said as Frank stormed out.

All the guys were dead quiet. Mikey looked from Gerard to me, and back to Gerard again before breaking the silence, "That explains... A LOT.." he said. Bob had just busied himself on the phone.

"...What?" I questioned.