Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

It Must Be Hard...

"Nothing," Ray answered quickly.

I shrugged, "Whatever."

"Lets go to sound-check before he breaks something," Gerard suggested before Bob got off the phone.

"The car's out there," he announced.

"Lets go then," Gerard said as the walked out, "Come on girls," he said with a smile directed towards Libby.

Libby linked arms with me, "He's so hot," she whispered of Gerard.

"Yeah he is," I agreed getting a bit of a glare from Libby. "Don't give me that look, we all know he's your's."

"Damn right. He's fun too.."

Fun? She's spent the last two ours locked in a room hiding from his screaming fans for two hours..

Thats one fucked-up definition of fun...

I nodded anyways, "Yeah.. Well his rhythm guitarist is an ass."

Libby shrugged, "So don't pay him any attention."

"That'll be hard seeing as I have to spend six months with him," I muttered.

"Yeah.. Oook!" Libby laughed, "Pleeease, don't even try to act like you're not about to piss yourself with excitement," she grinned.

I gave her an offended and digusted look, "Are you fucking kidding me?" I spat...before grinning widely, "Okay.. Its definately cool," I admitted, "and the rest of the band members are really nice."

"I can't wait to hear the first interview between you and Frankie," she laughed as we got to the van with the guys. Frank was already in the van.. As a matter of fact.. Libby and I were the last two to get in, with two seats to dispute over.

Gerard's lap and next to Frank.

Guess who got Gerard's lap?


"Just imagine my elation," Frank said as I groaned sitting next to him.

I gave him a long, cold glare, before turning my attention out of the window in silence.

Mikey crawled over the row in front of us, and then over Frank, and squeezed between us, "Hi," he smiled shyly.

I grinned, "My hero," I sighed with relief.

Frank muttered something before climbed into Mikey's previous seat.

"Woah.." Mikey said looking at me.

"What?" I asked, raising a brow in confusion.

"...Your eyes are two different colors," he noted with an amazed smile that made me laugh.

"Its called a contact lens," Frank said coldly, "all the Good Charlottens and 'scene' kids do it."

"Actually," I spat back with an equally icy stare, "it's called I was born this way."

"Like David Bowie!" Gerard gasped, nearly hitting his head on the roof as he jumped with excitement.

"Sort of; its called Heterochromia. You can be born with it or it can be caused by trauma to the eye. His, for example was caused by trauma."

"...Like what?" Gerard asked.

"He got in a fight and got punched in the face as a teenager...The same eye is dialated," Libby answered. Gerard stared at her in awe. "So I'm a David Bowie geek, sue me.."

"He's obsessed..." Ray said. I grinned at Libby.

"So it's a birth mutation?" Frank suddenly noted, purposely trying to irritate me now, "Oh, okay then."

"It must be hard knowing you're not good enough to be 'Lead Guitarist'... How do you feel about that?" I asked with a smirk, "For the interview of course."