Are You a Lover or a Fighter?

Biffles, Kid... Seriously.

The sound check went great and the guys soon came off stage about an hour later, "You two wait here," Gerard said with another smile for Libby. It was really adorable, actually.

A minute later he returned with two gift bags, "Welcome to the family, its from all of us," Mikey smiled.

I opened mine; It contained a camcorder (one that I had actually been drooling over in BestBuys...), a black Razor cell phone and an Ipod. My jaw dropped and my voice left..

"For your interviews," Ray smiled.

"And because NO ONE can live without an Ipod," Mikey smiled.

"Oh my god.. We've found a way to shut her up!" Frank smirked getting an elbow from Bob.

I looked over at Libby who was, no doubt, about to pee herself. She had also received and Ipod, a Razor phone accompanied by a $500 gift-certificate to M.A.C.

"OMIGOD!" we squealed.

"Thank you so much!" I said hugging everyone, except for Frankie to whom I gave a polite nod.

"Seriously! Thanks!" Libby said hugging them all, including Frankie and lingering at Gerard.

I opened the camera up and turned it on, "I feel like Juliya from Fuse!" I grinned.

"Except way awesomer and much hotter!" Mikey smiled.


"Mikey, didn't your mom teach you not to lie?" Frankie muttered.

"Yeah," Ray said with a glare to Frankie, "Awesomer isn't a word.. Its 'more awesome'."

"Thats Ray," I said pointing the camera at him, "he's more cheery than Frankie."

Ray smiled and Frankie flipped me off.

"I got you both a special gift," Mikey smiled.

I laughed, "Really?! What is it!?" I asked with excitement.

"Yeah, seriously.. What?!" Libby grinned..

Mikey tossed us each a teddy bear and crew t-shirt all tied up by a permanent backstage pass (for [i[this tour atleast). "Just don't loose them.. Seriously.. Take my word, its not good."

I laughed as Libby and I pulled the t-shirts on and placed the passes around our necks. I hugged my teddy-bear, "Like I'd ever loose Ralph?"

Mikey grinned, "I PICKED HIM OUT!!!"

"Duh, thats why you're my new best friend!"


"Hey...!" Libby whinned playfully.

"Sorry Lib.."

She shrugged, "Eh.. I can't blame you, Mikey is too cute."

Mikey grinned and stood up straight with pride, "That. I. Am."

"So Mikey," I said with my camera on again, "are you excited about the upcoming tour?"

"Duh," Mikey said wrapping an arm around me so we'd both have to be in the camera shot, "I get to hang out with the coolest interviewer ever!" He said kissing my cheek.

I laughed, "Mikey Way rocks my socks!"

"I'm going to be sick," Frankie said passing infront of us.

"How sad," I muttered.

"We gotta get ready," Gerard said.

"Alright.." Mikey frowned, "But Celeste was about to braid my hair.."

I nodded with a smirk, "I was.. You ruined it."

"Sorry.." Gerard frowned.

"We forgive you," Mikey said walking off, "By biffle!"

Libby followed for make-up.

"Later Mikey," I said with a laugh.