Madame Batty


One morning, Madame Batty woke up and reached for her glasses, but alas they were not there on the wooden stand beside her bed. Clumsily the woman sat up, fumbling around in the dark for a familiar pair of frames or a light switch, whichever came first.

She first found the light, flipping it on to reveal highly blurred objects. All through the things on the table she patted around searching for her spectacles. She had no luck at the table so she stood up from the bed, shuffling her feet: right, left, right, left.

“How could I have left them anywhere else? As if I could have made my way to bed without them,” she murmured as she made her way out of the room and into the hall. Her slippers made a light scuffling noise as she walked slowly and carefully over the hardwood floor.

Beneath her feet, her grey tabby cat mewed, making his presence known. Madame Batty also heard a soft scratching noise near where the cat was perched in a corner as she proceeded toward him. She took one step too close to the cat and a loud crunch elapsed into the quiet air. There, her glasses rested beneath her feet in all their smashed glory.

It was then, that Madame Batty became doomed to be blind as a bat…until she ordered a new pair of spectacles at least.
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Based on Alexader Bernadotte's vision impairments. :)