Status: NEW!


Chapter 1

After I had left the house, I realized that I didn't have any place to go. I considered calling my parents, but that would most likely mean that I'd have to tell them, so instead I called my sister, Louise. She was in Paris currently, and she would be there for about three months, so I hoped she would let me live in her house while she was gone. Louise agreed to letting me stay, and surprisingly didn't pry on why I had just up and left John. She was too busy to be consumed by my drama anyways. I drove to her house, letting myself in with the key she kept hidden. I unloaded what little of things I had packed, and settled in. I kept my phone by me at all times, hoping that John would call me, telling me that he was going to get help, but so far there were no calls. I mean it's only been three hours, maybe he's still high, right? To pass time, I decided on making dinner, only to find that there was no food in the house. Then again, why would there be? My sister's going to be gone for 3 months why would she have gone grocery shopping? I grabbed my purse off the table by the door and headed out. I was gone for about 45 minutes, the whole time my phone hadn't rung. "Oh God, what if he overdosed? Calm down Amaiya he's doing this to himself" I was battling the urge to call him in my mind, but I couldn't do it. "He's doing this to himself" I voiced. I had to keep reminding myself. Was something wrong with me? Was I not good enough, that he had to resort to drugs to make him happy? By the time the groceries were put away, my thoughts had already eaten away at my appetite. I decided to go to bed, to just sleep away this day. I lay in bed for what seems like forever. Why couldn't I sleep? Oh that's right because I'm alone. I haven't slept alone for the past three years.
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I'm sorry for such a short chapter, yet again. The chapter is longer in my word processor but the ending seemed to be not much of an ending at all, so I cut it off.
Hopefully the next chapter will be much longer!

Also, I'm sorry for any errors, it's 4 o'clock in the morning and I have yet to sleep.

I'm currently listening to this.


Also, shameless tumblr promo!