50 Tips for Writing.

42. Half a page

If it's half a page, why bother publishing it? No one's attention will be captured in half a page of writing, unless you're some heaven sent prodigy, be patient and sit on it. If you can only write half a page of work a day, then wait for four or five days to put together a decent sized chapter. Short chapters piss readers off, they really do and chances are, no one will be waiting for you to update with yet another tiny miniscule little slump of writing. My personal aim is getting each chapter of my stories to two full pages. My co-writer forces me to do four entire pages so that takes me days to put together a decent chapter. It doesn't matter how long you take to type out a new chapter, the point is, if your chapter is too short, your reader's attention won't bother to return to you. The opening line, the very first paragraph and essentially, the first few pages of the introduction to a story is vital for someone to decide whether they are interested enough to carry on reading or ditch the little block or writing.