Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

Testing the Water

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright because I love the way you lie

I woke up about a week later on the back of Appa and everyone was staring at me. “what? I asked.

“look” Katara said handing me a small mirror. I looked inside and gasped. My hair was now a light blue and my eyes were a glowing red.

“oh my god!” I gasped. “wtf what happened?”

“you have two spirits in you” she said. “the Sun and the ocean”

“what?” she then quickly explained the story to me and my eyes widened.

“I cant believe it” I whispered. “But I guess I always knew”

“what do you mean?” Aang asked.

“the water for the place law always seemed to fallow me” I told them. “but I never thought it was something like this”

“Arianna?” Aang asked slowly. “why didn’t you tell us you grew up with Zuko?”

“because I thought you would hate me” I said. “and I need you to help me defeat him”


“because I love him”

I love the way you lie

we did not see Zuko again after that and the four of us finally made it to the northern water tribe. When we landed the people bowed down to me and took me to the head of the tribe.

“who are you?” he asked. Studding my silver blue hair and red eyes.

“I am Arianna of the fire nation” I told them and gasps spread threw the crowded room. “I come with the avatar to learn the art of water bending.”

“a fire bender can not learn water bending!” someone protested.

“she is not just a fire bender” Katara said speaking up. “she is blessed with the touch of the ocean and Sun spirit and bends water as well”

“impossible” another shouted.

“if it is true” the chief said silencing everyone. “im sure she can show us a small demonstration”

I looked up at him and nodded. Katara and Aang had taught me a bit of water bending on the trip here but I never actually tried to bend it. I walked over to the pool on the side of the room and studied the water for a few moments. I turned my back on it and closed my eyes. My body moved for me in ways that felt similar to my fire bending but different still. Fire bending was all passion and rage. Water bending was calm and flowing, like a slow moving river.

I kept moving, allowing my emotions to flow as well. It was strangely relaxing. Soon my movements went beyond what Katara taught me. they grew larger, more elaborate and I heard gasps washed threw the crowd. Finally I opened my eyes as say that I was not only bending the most of the water around me but at some point I had begun to bend fire as well. Standing tall in the middle of the room were two dragons. One a serpent made of white fire. the other a beast made of red water. They were not fighting but dancing together in a way that was beautiful to watch.