Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

Lost From Me... Or Not. Make Up Your Mind! What Side Are You On?!

But your temper's just as bad as mine is
You're the same as me
But when it comes to love
You're just as blinded

I was sitting in my cell waiting for the guard to come take me away for my execution. My mind going a million miles and hour with out saying much at all. It always came down to one thing.

Zuko was lost.

Not the prince I saw back at the castle, that was not Zuko. That was merely a boy trying to please his father. That was not my Zuko. My Zuko was kind, gentle, fun, but never ruthless, or cruel. Not like that boy at the castle.

There was a noise down the hall and I turned towards the bars. The lock to my cell was burned off and I saw a cloaked figure in he door way.

“Ari” his voice was soft, his breathing ragged. “your free”

“no Zuko” I whispered shutting my eyes

“but you can escape!” he protested. “I wont tell anyone, my father will never know”


“do you want to die?” he demanded.

“yes” I said and he froze. “I cant pretend anymore Zuko, im in so much pain all the time. It finally reached a point where I just cant take it any more, half of me is strong and burns violently. The other half is weak and does nothing, I just cant do it”

“Ari.. I wont let you do this”

“Zuko, I really do love the way you lie” I closed my eyes and heard his angry steps out the door. a tear ran down my cheek.

I guess he wasn’t all gone.

Baby please come back
It wasn't you
Baby it was me
Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems

I was in an iron cage. I’d like to say it was just another Friday night for me but it wasn’t. and this was really bad. On the stage a few yards away was the royal family. Ozi, Azuela… and Zuko all sitting in nice thrones. Only Zuko’s eyes weren’t on me, his were on his own hands.

“Today” Ozi said standing to address the fire nation people below. “we send a message, that all efforts to rebel against us shall end in vain. That the fire nation will rule over the entire world!” the crowd cheered and I sneered in disgust.

“and we start our domination” Ozi continued, “by burning a traitor! Say hello to Princess Arianna!” the crowd booed and I rolled my eyes. Ozi always had a flare for the dramatic. I bet he’s going to start talking about the crimes I committed.

“the princess has traveled with the Avatar.” He said and I laughed once. “she protected him and even tried to teach him to bend fire. So now…she will burn for it” and with that the guards that surrounded me attacked, each shooting a ball of fire at me.

I burned.