Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

Faking my Death and Other Hobbies of Mine

Maybe that's what happens
When a tornado meets a volcano
All I know is
I love you too much to walk away though

Did you really think I would just let myself die?

No! I lied to Zuko and faked my death.

Don’t ask how it is much to complicated for me to go threw right now so we’ll leave it at that.
I rejoined Aang who wasn’t dead along with the rest of the team. they were on a fire nation ship. Which really confused me when I saw Katara. I’d thought they’d caught her.

The moment I saw Aang I ran to give him a hug. He hugged back and then I smack him on the back of the head.

“that’s for scaring me” I glared at him and he smiled sheepishly at me before I hugged him again.

“how did you escape?” Katara asked me a while later when we sat down for a cup of tea.

“I faked my death” I said looking up at the ash filled sky. “as far as the fire nation is concerned, im dead”

“And Zuko?”

“He a hero” I said, my voice low and dark as I told them the story.

“they think he killed me?” Aang asked. “but Azuela-“

“Azuela is saving her own skin” I said harshly, “she doesn’t believe that your dead and if you aren’t then Zuko will die for it. and she doesn’t care” gloom fell over the ship at the news and I took a sip of tea.

“so what about you guys?” I asked, my tone light and casual. “what have you been planning?”

And the revolution started.