Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

Take me to Your Leader

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie

I was trapped. There were fire benders all over the forest below me and they were all searching for one thing.


I love the way you lie

I tied my mask on tighter, it was of a yellow dragon and looked a lot like the mask of the blue spirit. The knives embedded in my black leather gloves were spring loaded and ready for more action. I’d taken down half a dozen of they’re men moments before but still I was feeling over whelmed.

I can't tell you what it really is
I can only tell you what it feels like

I shifted my wait on the tree branch and the leaves rustled. The guard below me looked up but I was on him before he could make a sound; my knife hitting his heart. the one nearest saw my movement and I couldn’t get to him before he hollered to his friends.

They all ran at me and I fended then off as best I could but there was two dozen of them, and only one of me. they apprehended me and dragged me to they’re ship where they presented me to they’re captain.

Haha they took me to they’re leader… never mind

“we found him trying to steal from your ship” they said to the boy whos back was turned to me. he wore traditional fire nation armor and his hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail. Standing to the side was his uncle. Just as round and fat as ever. his hair was now all grey and his beard was rather long, making me laugh.