Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

Captured along with ***

Come inside
Pick up your bags off the sidewalk
Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk

Captured again… Well this suck.

Confused? Well the revolution went well for the most part only bad thing was Azuela knew about it the whole time.

So it failed.

The kids got away and were hiding in a near by air temple. The adults were all captured, me included. I had to it was the only way to insure that Aang was on that bison and out of here.

Little brat owes me BIG time.

I was taken to Ozi at once and he was oh so pleased to see me.

“you should be dead!” he barked from behind his wall of flames.

“and a king shouldn’t be such a moron” I said, my tone bored. “I mean really you were tricked my a nineteen year old girl. It’s kind of pathetic”

“I wont make that mistake again” he growled. “send her to the boiling rock!”

Told you this is my fault
Look me in the eyeball
Next time I'm pissed I'll aim my fist at the dry wall

I never considered myself a big threat. I never really considered myself a threat at all. But Ozi thought I was a huge threat and he sent me to the best prison he had.

I didn’t think I was worth the trouble.

But that turned out to work in my advantage. Because Ozi was such an idiot he sent me there with Katara’s father, I called him Dick.

When we first met on the fire nation ship he didn’t trust me because I was a fire bender. I couldn’t blame him but it got annoying after a while because he just wouldn’t trust me. so I got into the habit of calling him Dick. He finally came around how ever when the revolution failed and he saw me give myself up so that the kids were safe.

But I still called him Dick.

When we got of the ship to the boiling rock we were the last ones. Dick went first and I reluctantly fallowed. my silver hair reflecting the orange glow of the lava. Dick and I quickly met up with Suki, Saka’s girlfriend who told us that he was in the prison undercover.

She also said that Zuko was with him.