Sequel: His Only Love

I Love the Way You Lie

All Good Things Must Come to an End

It's so insane
Cause when it's going good
It's going great

“Arianna?!” Zuko called me but I smiled hiding among the flowers. “come one Ari! We’ve been at this for hours!” I snickered at him. we were now six years old and lived together in the Fire Nation palace. we were best friends and did everything together, much to Azuela’s annoyance. She always tried to bully me into being her friend and ignoring Zuko but I refused. Which pissed her off and she would send fire streaming at me, but I would deflect it and send fire right back at her.

I'm Superman
With the wind in his bag
She's Lois Lane

My adoptive father, Zuko’s uncle, told me I was the best fire bender he’s ever seen. Even the Fire Lord himself admitted he was not as good as I was when he was my age. It annoyed Azuela a lot that im better than her. I just loved to fire bend,

something I would later repress.

“you just want it to be over cause you can never find me” I said walking up to him and sticking out my tong. We play hid and seek everyday and I always won. I was as silent as a slow breeze but as quick as a wild fire. Every time he’d look one place I’d go there and hid while he looked else where. It annoyed him because he said you have to find one spot and stay there but I didn’t care.

“that’s cause you cheat” he protested crossing his arms over his chest.

“oh Zuko” I smiled, “I love the way you lie”. He looked at me for a bit before a smile spread over his lips. We both started laughing so hard and I wished that day would never end.

But it did.