Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


I want to go to a town where no one knows my name.

With only a few more weeks until the regular season Brandon Sutter was one of the last of his teammates to move into an apartment for the upcoming season. There was just so many things going on back in Red Deer with his Cousins wedding only last week and his dad getting back to Calgary to coach, Brandon just wanted to make sure the house was going to be okay when his parents moved up to Calgary for the season.

He was too much of a good son to let is parents worry about packing their summer house up before they moved towards Calgary to amke things easier on his Mother and Father durring his coaching season. It was the least he could do for the two people that loved and supported him the most.

Still he was in North Carolina now, not late but still not there as early as Paul Maurice, the head coach, would have liked, but he was there at least.

Unpacking his bags, or well a few of them at least because why bother unpacking when your second game is on the road, his roommate Drayson Bowman got him caught up on all of the team’s housing ‘drama’s’. Really it was just who got here when, and the drama that ensued with the wives and girlfriends.

“I’m so glad that neither of us has to deal with those dramas. Playing takes enough out of you, I don’t need to worry about who my girlfriend likes and doesn’t like on the team.” Brandon snorted, disgusted on how his teammates would actually deal with all of that drama.

“Speak for yourself. I like girls and I’d kind of enjoy if I had a girlfriend right now. No offence or anything but,” Drayson paused “Girls are so much better then you!” he laughed.