Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


With not much persuasion at all Brandon and Drayson decided to meet up with Eric, Justin and Cam for a few drinks a few blocks down from the group of apartments most of the team lived in.

Brandon slipped into the bar and headed towards the guys that were located near the back, being careful to keep his distance from the people sitting and standing around.

“Glad to see that your wife let you out of the house Cam” Brandon chuckled. “It’s not a party unless you and Stallsy are here! No offence Justin.” He smiled glancing over at his friends as he sat down on a bar stool.

“You wouldn’t believe how much Skinner bugged us because he wanted to come out with us.” Justin chuckled ignoring Brandon’s comment. “Told him once he gets a playoff beard going he could come with us one night.”

“Poor kid.” Eric chuckled. “He’s missing out on an eventful night.” He rolled his eyes. The four of them drinking and catching up over the past month was hardly something to brag about let alone beg to go to.

The guys lost themselves in drinking, catching up and watching the Panthers and Cowboys game that was on many of the large TV’s the bar had. Brandon had drifted out of the conversation now and was glancing around the bar; somewhat glad that the dim lighting had pretty much hidden the group of guys from any fans that might be in the bar. As much as he loved being a professional hockey player, the attention was a little unwanted. Plus he was just trying to have a good time with some friends, he really didn’t want to be bugged for pictures or to sign this or that by anyone. If one person spotted them, it would mean most of the bar would slowly make their way towards the small group of guys. Meaning that the guys’ night out would be put on hold until they could get through the people in the bar and head home.

Sometimes it was hard to be in the limelight and never have anything be behind doors or just to yourself. There wasn't anything considered as relaxing when you had to be on your toes all the time with media and fans everywhere and your reputation on the line every time you made a move.