Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


As the night went on, the tab got longer, and the streets grew darker the guys became drunker. Thankfully, they were happy drunks, and no one had ended up taking their cars for a drive down to the bar so no one was going to have to drive home anyways.

That didn’t mean that Brandon hadn’t cut back on the drinks. No he wasn’t the kind of person that liked to get shitfaced and have to deal with the morning after and any of the actions he had made the night before.

He was probably the only one of the group that had never gotten drunk during the season and for that matter the off season either. Well that wasn’t completely true. His twenty first birthday, last February, the team had taken him out to this very bar and let him buy whatever he wanted for drinks. That was the only time he had ever drank so much he didn’t even know how he had gotten home the next morning. And when he had enough energy and stability to get out of bed, he regretted every second of movement. It was one of the worst feelings Brandon had ever felt and he didn’t want to feel it again.

Of course it was Cam and Stallsy to leave first claiming their wives were going to kill them if they didn’t get back soon. And shortly after Justin headed out claiming he was tired and was going to try and get some time in at the gym tomorrow so he wanted to get to bed early, which Brandon didn’t understand how almost one thirty in the morning was going to bed early but whatever.

Drayson was engulfed in a conversation with a girl that had sat down next to him who Brandon though he heard be called Steph or Stephanni or something like that at least. He wasn’t too sure. Then again he wasn’t really paying attention to them, surprisingly enough he had his eye on another girl that was sitting at the end of the bar by herself. Something that wasn’t normal for two in the morning on a Saturday.

And after a bit of weighing his options, Brandon ended up sliding from his stool and making his way to the other end of the bar to sit down next to this beautiful blonde.