Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


Brandon was never a shy kid.

He didn’t mind talking in front of large groups or introducing himself to new teammates, but now well to say he froze up would be an understatement.

After sliding onto that bar stool, the first person to say anything had been the beautiful blonde. And once the awkward first few statements were over Brandon felt so much better.
After some quick introductions Brandon learned that Renee had just moved into the city to start her new job. That she didn’t know anyone around the city and figured she’d go out see what the town was like maybe meet some new people. Instead she had ended up at the bar alone and now talking with Brandon, which Renee admitted, was a lot better than just being alone around the town and sipping on her drink looking like a lonely fool.

“So what do you do for work?” Brandon asked, motioning to the bartender to bring him another water to replace his now empty glass and another of whatever Renee was drinking
“I’m starting in an architecture firm on Monday, but what I’ll be doing there isn’t quite clear.” Renee laughed. “I’d like to start designing, but who knows. They’re all so picky around offices now a days.” She shrugged. “What about you?”

Brandon sighed. Did he tell her that he was a professional hockey player that traveled the country playing a sport he had grown up loving and blow the whole easy going conversation? But did he lie and risk losing everything?

“I’m in the sports industry, game day staff. In the locker room getting everything together for the Hurricanes before during and after games.” Brandon finally replied. It wasn’t farfetched. It had a bit of truth in there somewhere, so it took that small weight off his shoulders.

“Oh I didn’t know North Carolina had a hockey team.” Renee admitted. “Well actually I don’t follow hockey so don’t be offended by my lack of knowledge.” She laughed uneasily.

“Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing that special anyways.” He chuckled eyes darting from his glass to were Drayson sat on the other side of the bar hoping and praying that he could keep this going. Everything would change if she knew about him, about what he did. It was just too nice talking to someone that understood him and wanted to talk to him because of him and not his job or money or anything like that.