Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


Today was the day, well to be correct, tonight was the night.

Brandon had planned on confessing everything to Renee, coming clean and leaving for the first game on a good note, with nothing to weigh him down or hold him back.

But as the night went on and Renee didn’t walk through that door, his hopes started to fade.

Soon his eyelids drooped and there was no more time that Brandon could sit there at the kitchen table waiting for her. It must have been a busy night, which was common for Renee now that her employers were starting to see her full potential to their firm.

He climbed into bed, knowing that at some point she’d crawl into bed next to him. It was a routine now and there wasn’t a night that they were apart.

Brandon dosed off knowing that Renee couldn't be long and he'd just tel her when she came home.

It wasn’t even an hour after he crawled into bed that the apartment door clicked open and then closed softly. Keys hit the counter top, heels came sliding off, and Renee’s feet came padding into the bedroom.

Finding Brandon asleep, she tucked the covers in around him, planted a soft kiss on his cheek, and lingered for a second. Then softly, no louder than a small soft whisper were the words ‘I love you’ uttered from her mouth. Her feet scurried backwards towards the dresser, and soon enough Renee was snuggled into bed wearing one of Brandon’s large Canes tee shirts. Her arms wrapping around Brandon, before she too drifted off to sleep after a long busy day.