Status: Finished!

My Worst Fears


Renee was a mess; she had woken up to an empty bed and called out his name before getting out of the bed and realizing he wasn’t there. The note taped to the door hadn’t helped. Her heart crumbled, and she couldn’t do anything but let herself slide down the door, hug her knees to her chest and cry.

Why would he need to lie? Why did he feel the need to just leave like that? Did he not understand that it didn’t matter to Renee what he did. In fact she had learned a few days ago about the real thing and just had never gotten the chance to tell him, bring it up in a way that wouldn’t make him mad.

Her love for him wasn’t because of his job, or his money, or how he acted. Her love for him was because well, she loved him and felt safe with him and because of the person he was deep down. It didn’t matter what he claimed to be, Brandon was one of the nicest guys she had ever met, and now he had run off. Run away because he was scared she wouldn’t love him anymore.

And as much as it crushed Renee to know that he ran from her because he didn’t know how to tell her, she couldn’t blame him. If she was in his shoes, she wouldn’t want anyone to know who she was either with all the media attention and crazy women running around dressed like sluts trying t get their attention. She understood wanting to just feel like a normal person.

Suddenly Renee knew what she had to do.