I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

You Don’t Need Harry!

For the past couple weeks, I’ve been doing a ton for my internship. I’ve been there most of the time and I’ve been working with McFly a lot. The first day I met them, I got to hear a bunch of their new stuff they’re recording and it’s so good! These guys are not just another boy band, they’re really talented!

I actually got along with them really well and I helped them mix some of their music and they liked what I did so they requested to have me with them while they recorded this new album. I was so freaking excited! To have a majorly popular band ask some girl who they’ve only known for a few weeks and isn’t that experienced to help them fine tune their own music for their new album is huge!

“Have you finally listened to all our old stuff?” Danny asked the second I walked into the studio one morning.

”Yes!” I buzzed. “I finished listening to Radio:Active last night and Wonderland. But I have to say, I think Room On The Third Floor the best, but I love all of them.”

“Room On The Third Floor was back when I had my little mullet thing going on,” Harry chuckled while running a hand through his now short hair.

“I like it short better, not gonna lie,” I told him.

“I’m beautiful either way, admit it,” Harry teased while striking a pose.

“Um yeah, definitely not,” I joked right back.

“Are you kidding, the drummer is the most important person in the band!” He said with his cute accent.

“Nope, that’s me,” Danny piped in with a goofy smile.

“But if Danny didn’t have me for the intelligence then he’d be nothing,” Tom joked.

“Sorry guys, I’m more into the bassist,” I teased.

“Yeah, I agree,” Dougie smiled while draping an arm around me. “Anyone can play drums!”

We all laughed except for Harry who was pretending to act hurt… although it didn’t work to well. Just to add to it, I went over and started playing really technical drum lines. After I finished, I let out a big laugh from the shocked look on all the guys faces.

“See guys, you don’t even need Harry in the band,” I laughed while walking over to them.

Harry carefully tackled me to the ground and started tickling me. I let out loud squeals as I tried to squirm away. Do you want to know what the other guys did? They just went back to playing music and I was being tortured.

“Harry! Stop it! You’re gonna make me pee my pants!” I squealed through laughs.

“That’s too bad,” He laughed while he pinned my arms above my head and went on tickling me.

Just then, the door opened and in walked Kylee and Tanner.

“Ky, help me,” I laughed.


”KY!” I squealed while jumping up from under Harry and running over to give her a giant hug. “Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?”

“Tanner has some races to do so I came and then I could see you,” She smiled.

“I’m so glad!” I beamed while jumping up and down.

“Well Kirstie, this is Tanner and Tanner this is my little sister Kirstie,” Kylee introduced us.

“It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard so much about you,” Tanner smiled while holding his hand out.

“Yeah, nice to meet you to,” I quickly said back while shaking his head.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt something,” Ky said while looking around and noticing the McFly guys.

“That’s fine, we weren’t doing anything anyway,” Danny shrugged.

“Other than Harry trying to make me pee my pants,” I giggled while throwing a pillow at Harry who was still sitting on the floor. It hit him smack dab in the face, making everyone bust out in laughter.

After this, I went around and introduced all the guys to Kylee and her much older boyfriend. Even though I’m not too sold on the face Ky’s dating Tanner, I’m just glad she’s here!
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I started reading it again this morning and I was like, ohhh yeahhh! i really liked this one! hahaha
