I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

I'm Not Saying I'm Jealous

Yes… it happened. Tom asked me to be his girlfriend. It was the same night he played that song for me after we were done making out. And then of course Kirstie and the rest of McFly popped in. We still haven’t heard the end of it. But it’s ok. He’s controlling my Tanner thoughts.

I haven’t talked to him… Tanner. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t heard from him. He’s texted me a few times… and left a few voicemails. It’s just… hard. He hurt me so much within a period of two weeks. I’m just hurt… and I don’t want to talk to him right now.

So I just stuff my phone away until someone important calls me… like Tom. I was actually testing out a few different set ups for an upcoming race when my phone rang and it wasn’t Tanner…. It was Tom. I answered it through a smile.

“What are you up to?” he asked after we had our greeting.

“Oh you know… playing with my life sized hot wheels car,” I grinned.

“Are you doing that all night?” he went on to question.

“No, I’m almost done. Why do you ask?” I had to ponder, unable to fight off my grin.

“Oh you know… kind of wanted to spend some time with my girlfriend since I haven’t all day,” he muttered cutely.

“I’ll be home in about an hour,” I replied, allowing myself some time to get cleaned up for him.

“I’ll be there,” he said and I knew he was smiling.

Just picturing that made my own smile flash through before we said our goodbyes. Once I put my phone back down, I rushed to get out of my racing suit. Of course after I was changed, I asked if my team still needed me. They laughed, but still said no.

And with that… I was off! On my journey home, my phone rang again. Thinking it was Tom, I answered it without looking. So you could imagine my surprise when my sister’s voice echoed through my ears.

“Are you doing anything tonight?” she asked softly.

“I think Tom made plans for us…” I replied, hoping everything was ok. She didn’t sound too happy.

“Aw, well… maybe tomorrow then,” she suggested.

“Is… everything alright?” I asked before she had the chance to hang up.

“Yeah, it’s fine… have fun with Tom,” she went on, getting that taunting tone back in her voice. I rolled my eyes before telling her goodbye.

Once I got home, I rushed inside to throw clean clothes on and fix my hair along with dabbing on a little makeup. Just as I had finished, the doorbell rang. With every step I took, my smile grew. When I opened the door, a smiling Tom was there.

“Hello, hello,” he beamed.

“Hey,” I grinned as he stepped inside so that we could share a hug.

“How was your day?” he went on to ask after we shared a quick kiss.

“Different…” he mumbled while I took his hand and led him to the living room.

“A good different or bad different?” I asked once the two of us were sat down.

“I don’t really know,” he chuckled at himself.

“Well, tell me about it,” I smiled, my arms finding their way around his toned middle.

“It’s just… weird having Harry being the center of attention. Usually, back in England, they try to focus on all of us in an interview,” he spoke softly.

“Aw, I’m sorry,” I pouted at him, leaving a few kisses on his cheek, hoping to make him feel better.

“I’m not saying I’m jealous though. It’s just… they want to talk to Harry. If anyone else speaks up, the person talking to us will cut us off to ask Harry another question,” he huffed.

“Well, you’re my favorite McFly guy,” I smiled up at him.

“You have to say that. You’re my girlfriend,” he said through his laughter.

“Even before you were my favorite,” I went on.

“Aw, now you’re just being really cute,” he snickered, laying his head on my shoulder.

I just smiled and snuggled up to him more. The two of us ended up watching movies all night. It turns out Tom’s a Harry Potter nerd. I find something so cute about that. Luckily I had the movies on hand for us to enjoy while we munched on pizza. It was a cute little night… with a really cute boy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so...
I was at a Rallycross race. Obviously Tanner's Rallycross race and apparently... I knew him somehow. Anyway, I went with James from BTR. But as the two of us were walking around, I lost him. So... like a good person, I go searching for him... only to run into Tanner and he's all excited to see me and he has the biggest cutest smile on his face. and then he kisses me and... my alarm went off.... lol yeah, I don't really get it either, but that's what happened.... and I woke up happy and angry at the same time! haha

Ky & Tom
