I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

Family's Forever

Tanner’s been involving me with Addison a lot lately… I love it! She is so adorable. She looks so much like Tanner. And the worst part is… she kind of acts like Tanner. She has the competitive little attitude and will make a race out of anything. Someone’s going to take after their daddy…

Today, we’re actually hanging at my house. Something’s wrong with the filter on Tanner’s pool, so I suggested we hang out here. Of course Addy was all for it. And any excuse to see me in a bathing suit, Tanner’s all for.

While Tanner had some fun in the water with his daughter, I got out to dry off and work on the tan. The two in the pool protested a little… and flicked a little water on me, but they eventually stopped.

As I was lying out, I heard a car door open and slam. It sounded like it was in my driveway too. I sat up and tugged a tank top and shorts on before I peaked over the fence to see Kirstie’s rental car here.

“I’ll be back, hun,” I told Tanner as I made my way inside.

He asked what I was doing, but I didn’t reply. Kirstie usually calls or leaves some kind of message before she comes. I had a bad feeling about this. When I got inside, Kirstie was making her way to the back door. Once I saw her face, I knew that something was wrong.

“Everything ok?” I asked gently.

“Boy drama… what else?” she groaned.

I let out a sympathetic aw before I sat at the kitchen table, patting the spot next to me for her to sit.

“What happened?” I asked gently.

“So… Tom’s still kind of bummy about everything that happened with you guys,” she started, causing my insides to drop. I didn’t have time to comment though. She kept right on going.

“I tried to talk to him outside of this ice cream shop. He ended up storming off. I had a moment and Danny was there to comfort me. After I was finally calmed down, we went back inside and only Harry was at the table since Dougie went off with Tom. But… there were two girls at the booth with Harry,” she started to sniffle.

“That doesn’t really mean anything though, Kirstie,” I tried to soothe her, but she shook her head violently.

“The girls said that Harry told them that he didn’t have a girlfriend,” she muttered gently, trying to hold in her tears.

I didn’t know what to tell her now. That’s… a huge thing. You tell girls that you don’t have a girlfriend? That’s kind of shady. I wasn’t about to voice this to Kirstie though. That’d probably make everything worse. Instead, I reached over and gave her a tight hug.

“No matter what happens, Kirstie, you always have me,” I told her as she sobbed quietly.

“I know,” she sniffled.

“Boys come and go, but family's forever,” I smiled as we pulled away from each other.

It made her smile a little too as she grabbed a napkin and started to dab at her eyes. We talked about more of the situation at the ice cream shop. I still feel bad for what happened with Tom. If I were over Tanner while we were together, I would probably be with Tom right now. But… I love Tanner.

While Kirstie and I were talking, the back door flew open and a dripping wet Addy came sprinting through the door with Tanner behind her who was dripping water too.

“There are things called towels!” I shouted at the two of them as they headed for the stairs, probably to get changed.

Giggles just came out of the two of them as they hurried on off. I rolled my eyes, but still couldn’t hold off a smile.

“So everything’s… ok with you two?” Kirstie spoke up, referring to Tanner and I.

“Yeah,” was my simple response, but it had the power to make me smile so much.

She smiled too, but you could tell it was forced. Ok… Kirstie doesn’t like Tanner once again. I should have saw it coming though. But right now, I’m not the biggest Harry fan. He better have a good reason for telling those girls he didn’t have a girlfriend. That’s just wrong. Now, I wouldn’t mind seeing Harry and Kirstie break up. Kirstie may be hurt, but… the more I think, the more I’m convinced that… Harry doesn’t deserve her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nope... not gonna happen...

