I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

It’s Not A Conspiracy Theory!

I haven’t talked to or seen Harry in four days or Tom for that matter either. I’ve talked to Dougie a little but mostly just Danny, he’s been such a sweetheart to me. I feel like him and Kylee are the only ones who understand how I’m feeling right now.

But today the boys had a rehearsal for their show tomorrow night and I had to go because I had to do the audio. I tried to think of ways to get out of it but so far, I haven’t thought of any.

“Kylee, I don’t wanna go,” I whined to her. My sister has been letting me stay with her since that wonderful little event went down and I’m really thankful, I hate being by myself when stuff like this happens.

“You don’t really have a choice though do you?” She questioned.

“No, but I’m wishing I did,” I groaned.

“Just don’t talk to him, don’t even look at him. Just completely ignore him,” Ky told me. “He’s a jerk so just give him the cold shoulder.”

“What if he talks to me?” I asked.

“Ignore him,” She quickly responded.

“I’m afraid to go,” I sighed. “Will you go with me?”

Kylee let out a small sigh before saying, “Kirst, I don’t know if I should. I don’t want to cause more drama, especially with Tom and all.”

Eventually she talked me through everything and I started to head to the venue. I really wanted to just bag out but if they don’t have an audio person, then they can’t really practice with how it’s going to sound tomorrow night. I don’t want to be the cause of a bunch of teenagers turning into a mob because they didn’t get to see McFly.

When I walked in, all the boys were sitting around on stage, playing Too Close For Comfort and I quickly walked over to the sound equipment and adjusting it. But… they stopped playing and even though I had my back turned, I could feel them staring at me.

“Kirstie!” Dougie smiled while coming over to hug me and I returned his hug. “I feel like it’s been years since I’ve seen you! I’m used to seeing you every day, I miss you!”

“Me too,” Danny whined as he wrapped me up in his embrace but then whispered in my ear so only I could hear, “Have you talked to Harry yet?”

“No,” I softly said.

“Okay, take your time. If you’re not ready, don’t,” He replied.

“Thanks Danny,” I smiled up at him.

Harry of course didn’t say anything to me but I tried to say hi to Tom who was sitting and strumming his guitar.

“I’m surprised you aren’t at Ky’s house talking about how much she loves Tanner,” He mumbled.

“Tom, this isn’t my fault! Why are you taking it out on me?” I questioned.

“Because you knew the whole time!” He shot back.

“She wasn’t using you!” I countered. “She does care about you and she just can’t forget about Tanner, that’s not mine nor your fault!”

“I don’t wanna hear it anymore,” Tom rolled his eyes.

“Tom will you stop acting like this was some big conspiracy against you!” I yelled, finally losing my temper a little. “No one meant for this to happen, it just did okay!”

I couldn’t take it anymore. I just felt so overwhelmed right now with all my emotions with Harry and Tom being mad at me, I just wanted to disappear. My feet led me off to the exit and once I made it out of the building, I sat with my back up against the wall, pulled my knees up to my chest and cried. I know crying doesn’t help anything but it sure does make you feel better sometimes.

A moment later, I heard the door open and I thought it might be Tom… maybe even Harry but…it was Danny. He sent me a sympathetic smile before sitting down next to me and pulling me into his lap and stroking my hair.

“I feel like you and Kylee are my only friends right now,” I said to him. “I highly doubt Tanner likes me, Tom’s mad at me, Harry obviously doesn’t like me and Dougie…well Dougie is just kind of neutral but you and Ky are the only people that actually understand.”

“I know it’s hard Kirstie,” Danny empathized. “But you’re a strong girl, you’ll get through this. Tom is just having hormonal issues or something,” He chuckled, making me let out a giggle. “He just is upset and I think he’s taking it out on you. Then Harry was just being a jerk and he…well…he was just being jealous.”

“How was Harry being jealous?” I questioned.

“I’ve said too much,” Danny backtracked. “I think that he should tell you.”

“I want to forgive Harry but… I just don’t know anymore. I thought he cared about me then he goes around telling other girls he doesn’t have a girlfriend. It just makes me wonder why he’d do that, how long has stuff like that been going on and what else has he done? I thought he cared about me,” I cried.

“I’m here for you Kirstie,” He softly said while rubbing my back.

I just held onto Danny tighter. He has comforted me so much these past few days. Dougie has been really sweet to me too but if I didn’t have Danny and my sister, I seriously don’t know what I’d do.
♠ ♠ ♠
So i ended up in drama class at school and we played some weeeeiiiirrrddd games today. it was kinda entertaining though lol
