I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

We’re Such A Unit

I haven’t seen the McFly guys for the past few days. I’ve texted Dougie and he said that everyone was fighting but they’re all getting along now. In his words, ‘we’re guys so we just yell at each other then hug and we’re good’ so I’m glad it’s all okay between the guy.

I’ve pretty much just hung out with my sister, Tanner and Addy most of the time. I just don’t know what to do about McFly. I’ve given it a lot of thought actually and I think that I might… quit. I’m tired of the drama and most of it wouldn’t have happened if I was around. So I think I’m going to move back to Cali and try to get a job working at a recording studio here. I was actually just on my way to Ky’s house to tell them when someone knocked on my door.

“Kylee is that you?” I called out while heading to the door.

“No, it’s Harry,” His voice replied.

I was just about to open the door but when he said this, I stopped.

“Go away,” I stated.

“Kirstie, I know you hate me but can we please at least talk?” Harry asked. “Please.”

I took a deep breath before I opened the front door. He sent me a small smile before stepping in. The two of us went out onto my deck and sat in the sun. It was awkwardly silent for a long time before Harry started to speak.

“I’m sorry for everything, I never meant to hurt you,” He softly told me.

“What did you think you were going to do when you said that? Of course it hurt me!” I snapped, feeling upset.

“I know, I was a total idiot and I feel so awful about it,” Harry apologized.

“Then why did you do it?” I plainly asked.

“I was just confused and a little bit jealous during that time,” He started to say.

“Jealous? Why were you jealous? And confused about what?” I questioned, wanting to know the real answers.

“Well I was really confused about all the attention on me. It was weird and I don’t really like having the spotlight on just me, I don’t think any of us are really that comfortable with that ‘cause we are such a unit, so as soon as you kinda like pick one of us out you do feel quite vulnerable and I guess I just didn’t know how to cope with it,” Harry explained to me. “And then I felt jealous because obviously Tom was upset and I felt like all the time you were just paying attention to Tom and even if we were doing something you’d just leave and pay attention to him, now I’m not saying it’s your fault because it’s not but then I guess I just got frustrated and did stupid things.”

“What really bothered me Harry is how am I supposed to know that that instance was the only time. I don’t know if you had been cheating on me or flirting behind my back all the time or if we ever did even have a relationship, was it like this the whole time we dated?” I questioned.

“No, no,” He shook his head, his bright blue eyes filling with hurt. “Kirstie, that was the only time. Those girls came up and started flirting with me and I was frustrated that you left to be with Tom and I guess I just lost it. That was the only time though, that never happened before. You mean everything to me and knowing that I hurt you and lost you just… kills me.”

“Harry,” I sighed. “I just… don’t know how to even feel right now.”

“Look, I know that we probably won’t ever be back to where we were and I understand that but I do want to be friends with you and I just wanted you to know how sorry I am and that I do truly care about you,” He told me before getting up and started to leave. “Thanks so much for listening.”

I sat in my chair, motionless as Harry left. I thought about all of this and it made me think about so much in that short amount of time. I thought about Harry and I and… how happy he made me. I care about Harry and he came here and apologized and told me the truth. Was he wrong to do what he did? Yes, but he is sorry for it and I care too much about him to let this get in the way.

The sound of the front door closing echoed through the house and I realized he was leaving. I sprinted through the house and ran out the front door just in time to see Harry getting into his car.

”Harry wait!” I called out.

He turned to look at me and I quickly ran to him, jumping into his arms. I held onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist, as he held me up and we pressed our lips together in a beautiful and passionate kiss.

“I’m so sorry Kirstie,” He apologized when we parted.

“I forgive you,” I smiled as I rested my forehead on his.

”I’m in love with you,” Harry whispered into my ear.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell he meant every word of that. My lips curled into the biggest smile before I replied, “I’m in love with you too.”

The two of us stayed there for the longest time, just holding each other. Feeling how I did right now told me that I made the right choice. Everyone makes mistakes and I’m so glad we were able to get past this because I love Harry and I want to be with him and he’s made it clear to me that he feels the same way.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh really? Is the new season over?????

Kirstie and Harry
