I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

No, There's Not. Shut Up!

I haven’t heard from Kirstie all day. She mentioned something about maybe leaving the McFly deal and moving back to Cali since drama with her and Harry has gotten to the point of being awkward. But that’s all she said. She hasn’t said for sure what she was going to do… and it kind of bothered me!

As her sister, I would love for her to move back here. That’d be amazing. I’ve had so much fun with her around while McFly have had their little So Cal tour. But… I want her to do what she wants. And if what she wants is to be in England and do something with music, then that’s what she needs to do.

I had an easy day today. I had to go into Rockstar and pick up a few things, swing by the garage to see how things were going on the car, and then a quick autograph session at a race track. Just another day in the life of Kylee Callahan.

Tanner had a busier day though. He was filming for a TV show. I think it was Top Gear, but I can’t keep track of how many he has going on anymore. I went home and crashed on the couch. I texted Kirstie to see what she was up to today. She said she’d stop by later. Alrightie then. What to do until then?

I was tired though… and I don’t really know why. I got up around eight. That’s decent for me. I’ve gotten at least seven and half hours of sleep. Did I eat breakfast? I can’t remember sadly… I know I had Rockstar and… toast! That’s right. I made toast. I ate something… I shouldn’t be this fatigued. I have a tolerance for Rockstar by now. I need at least three to get me this tired.

What is wrong with me?!

Since I had some time before Kirstie got here, instead of making a doctor’s appointment, I grabbed the trusty laptop and went to Google. I typed in ‘why am I so fatigued?’. Of course thousands of results came up. I clicked the first one, hoping that would give me some options.

First one… low thyroid. Nope. Can’t be that. Been tested. Started a new diet or exercise program? Nope. I don’t have time to exercise regularly and… I eat what I want… as sad as that may seem.

I read down through the whole list, canceling out everything. I came to the last line, thinking that would be a no too, but… it hit me like a tone of bricks.

Possibly pregnant.

Um… no. No, no, no, no, no. I can’t be… pregnant. No. I actually laughed at the thought. I scared myself. Get yourself all worked up, Ky. Nice going. It’s the first day I’ve noticed. Maybe it’s just a body cycle thing. It’ll be ok… I hope.

I didn’t have time to ponder the thought though. Kirsite came bouncing into my living room, looking rather happy.

“What’s got you all smiley?” I asked while closing my computer quickly and placing it on the table.

“Oh, nothing,” she sighed happily before falling onto the couch next to me.

“It’s something…” I pressed on.

“Harry and I got back together,” she beamed.

I just looked at her. So many words were running through my head right now. She got back with Mr. English Rockstar?! Really?! WHY? She better have a good reason.

“He came over yesterday and said how sorry he was and that it was wrong for him to do that. He just wasn’t used to all of the attention he was getting,” she explained.

“That’s still not an excuse,” I muttered.

“But he was truly sorry,” she countered.

I let it go. I don’t have to be around the guy. I’m happy that Kirstie’s happy. I’m not too thrilled on the guy she’s happy with. I swear to god if he messes up again though, he’ll have big sister coming after him… and it won’t be pretty.

She went on to explain a little more in detail what happened. I wasn’t impressed. But hey, that’s her man. I can’t choose them for her.

“So… what’s been up with you and Tanner?” she shifted our conversation and I suddenly got… nervous.

“Why?” I countered quickly.

“Well, we’d been talking about Harry and I. It only seemed fair that I ask you about you and Tanner…” she replied, looking at me oddly.

“Oh, well, we’re… good,” I told her.

“Just good?” she giggled.

“Addy told me the cutest thing the other day though,” I grinned at the thought.

“What?” she asked, getting a new excitement in her voice.

“She said Tanner asked her if it was ok if he married me,” I beamed.

“Aw,” she cooed. “Has he asked you?” she asked.

“No, but… I’m thinking it’s coming. He’s been extra lovey lately,” I couldn’t help but smile.

“Oooo, more baby Fousts on the way,” she teased.

“No, there’s not. Shut up,” I shot at her, causing her features to change drastically.

“I’m sorry. I’m tired,” I recovered while running my hand through my hair.

“You need a nap,” she laughed at me.

I just rolled my eyes… even though I agreed with her. I just wanted Tanner here to cuddle with me while I took a nap. Those are always the best naps. But he’s not going to be around until later tonight. So in the mean time, I get to hear about Kirstie and Harry. Just how I wanted to spend my evening. It’s nice that I’m with my sister, but… I’m still not the biggest Mr. English Rockstar fan.
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I don't know how many episodes are in the season :/ i've only read that it's going to be a 'full season' instead of the nine it had the first one :/ but there's just not a new episode this week. there is next week sooooo yeah.. it might have to do with the 9/11 thing though :/ i'm assuming.
