I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

It’ll Be Pumpin!

“Ky come look at this,” I buzzed while showing her my turntables and all my equipment set up.

“This is cool,” She smiled.

“This party is going to be pumpin!” I shouted then looked over at Tanner and said, “Are you going to live?”

“It depends on how crazy you get,” He teased while chuckling.

I turned on all the amps and started to mix some stuff on my turntables. I love doing mash ups and putting two songs together then adding my own twist and I bounced around while doing it as did Ky and Tanner just rolled his eyes.

“Why does it have to be so loud?” Tanner shouted over the music.

“What?” I asked while stopping so I could hear him.

“I said, why does it have to be so loud?” He questioned.

“Because it’s music! It has to be loud!” Ky told him.

“To experience music you got to crank it up!” I smiled while turning it up louder.

So as you probably figured out, my first DJ gig is tonight. It’s some party at this club place and it’s pretty cool. They had all the lights and everything! What is even more perfect is the McFly guys were coming back today and I told them just to meet me at this party, I just said it was to celebrate them coming back to Cali and they bought it.

I played some more stuff for Ky and Tanner before we went back to their house to get ourselves ready then I headed back to the venue while Ky and Tanner went to pick up the McFly guys. I couldn’t because I had to be there early to get all my stuff set up and make sure everything is how my client want it. I’m not sure how Ky is going to explain why I can’t be there to pick them up without telling exactly why but… she’ll figure something out.

“This is perfect, I can’t wait,” Evan, the guy who was throwing the party smiled once I played him a few things.

“Me either, I’m so pumped,” I grinned.

“Well I’ll leave you to it, people should be arriving soon,” He smiled before stepping down off of the stage and going to the door.

Quickly the club was filled with people and I got the music pumping. Everyone was jumping around to the music and I was enjoying myself so much! This was great! I couldn’t wipe the smile off of my face.

I scanned the crowd often and after the third song, I saw my sister and her fiancée standing next to the McFly guys. I smiled brightly and they all sent me a goofy wave and I returned it. A thought came to me and I quickly looked through my music and started playing Party Girl but mixed it up. The boys were smiling and dancing crazily throughout the song and it made me happy.

“So how are you guys enjoying the party?” I asked through the microphone and I got a loud yell from the crowd. “You guys want some more music?”

I got another yell and then started the music pumping again. I grinned as I saw out of the corner of my eye the four McFly guys working their way up to me.

Next I mixed a Taio Cruz song with Corrupted and I saw Danny mouthing the words as they made their way through the crowd. They eventually got up right up next to the stage and Harry was making me laugh so hard.

He leaned up against the stage and swayed back and forth, batting his eyelashes and pretending to be like a fangirl and it made me laugh. He’s such a goof.

Kylee and Tanner eventually came up too and all of them minus Tanner jumped around and danced to the music. Yeah, I think I found my calling…
♠ ♠ ♠
eh, i try.
