I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

He's Scary

Today was going to be so much fun! We’re decorating the baby room! We kind of… still don’t know what we’re having, but that’s not stopping us. Tanner and I agreed on yellow. It’s gender neutral and it goes with our sponsorships… But the biggest thing is that Kirstie’s coming over! I’m so exited.

“Ky, I can’t remember the last time you were bouncing around like this,” Tanner chuckled since I couldn’t sit still all morning.

“Get excited, Tanner!” I buzzed walking over to him and shaking him.

“Ok, ok,” he chuckled.

I sent him a smile before I reached up and left a soft kiss on his lips. A blissful sigh came out of him once we parted. Gosh that’s the greatest sound ever. It got him more kisses… and then Addy walked into the room.

“KIRSTIE’S HERE!” she squealed.

“Well today is going to be… fun,” Tanner teased.

“Both of the Callahan sisters are hyper!” I cheered, causing Addy to pipe in too.

“I think Tanny needs a Rockstar,” Tanner laughed as he got into the fridge to pull out a black can.

Addy took my hand and pulled me to the door. Kirstie was still in her car when we opened the door… and I quickly found out why. He came with her. I couldn’t keep a groan from escaping me.

“Who’s that?” Addy asked once Harry got out of the car.

“Kirstie’s boyfriend,” I mumbled.

She just kept quiet though. I looked down at her to see something in her eyes that I haven’t seen before. Was it… fear? That’s what it looked like.

As Harry and Kirstie started making their way up the steps, Addy ran off, calling for her daddy. Uh oh. I couldn’t run though. I had to greet my sister… and her boyfriend.

“I didn’t realize how much of a bump you had,” Harry chuckled after we parted from hug.

“That’s a nice way of telling me I’m fat,” I had to poke.

“It’s a baby though,” he replied through another laugh.

“My little race baby,” I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach that may be a little larger than a bump now.

I led Kirstie and Harry inside so that Tanner could share a greeting with them. Addy was in his arms though. This was cute. This doesn’t happen very often. It’s so adorable when it does though.

Once Tanner tried to put her down, she threw a fit. He pouted at her before leaving kisses on top of her head. Aw… such a cute daddy.

“Don’t you want to help Kylee and Kirstie paint the baby’s room?” he asked her softly.

“Not with him?” she muttered with her face pressed against Tanner’s chest.

“Who, sweetheart?” he countered.

She didn’t move her head. She just pointed behind her… at Harry. Uh oh…

“Why?” Kirstie asked, walking over to look at Addy.

“He’s scary,” she muttered.

“No, he’s not. He’s a sweetheart… and super cute,” Kirstie pressed.

Addy whimpered before trying to nuzzle up to her daddy more.

“I’ll help Tanner while you girls do the other stuff,” Harry spoke up.

“That sound good?” Tanner asked his little girl.

She lifted up her head while rubbing her little eyes, nodding at her father. He sent her a smile before kissing her cheek and placing her on the ground. She walked over to me and took my hand before she nearly pulled me to the stairs. Kirstie followed and we were off to the baby’s room.

Kirstie seemed a little bummed that Addy hadn’t taken to Harry very well. He’s a stranger though. In time she’ll come around to him. Maybe. But for now, we got some painting to do… I just hope Addy doesn’t get any finger painting ideas…
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Um... lets see... what else is new?.... oh... i didn't dream about tanner last night! lol jk jk i'm on a sugar high! I love Mike and Ike's so much! lol

