I Don't Think I'd Be Standing Here If I Never Found You

Good! Leave!

It took some convincing from the McFly guys, but Kirstie finally agreed. I thought it was kind of… cute in this weird… ‘being sexy in a music video’ way. I think there’s a little more of a underlying reason for it being her, but… I’m excited for her.

“Kirstie, if your sister’s wants to be a part of this, we got more outfits,” the blonde one spoke up that was on the other side of Kirstie. I think his name was… Tom. I think. I’m not good with names!

“No, this is Kirstie’s moment. Big sister’s just here to watch and be supportive,” I quickly butted in.

“Aw, come one,” another one of the boys spoke up with a thicker accent than the other three.

“No, I’m good,” I tried to laugh it off. Tanner was going to be the only person that saw me in an outfit like that…

They gave me a hard time for a few more seconds. During that time, Tanner slung his arm around my shoulders, sensing my uneasiness towards this subject. He calmed me a little, allowing me to laugh this off some.

Thankfully, they had to get going with their filming. Kirstie still looked a little uncomfortable. She was not about to let that sweatshirt that Harry put on her go. While she was walking off in her way too high heels, Harry came over and gently placed an arm around her as the two continued to walk off. It was… cute. Cute enough for me to snuggle up to Tanner more.

“I wouldn’t have minded you doing something like this,” he had to snicker, causing me to roll my eyes.

“It’s kind of awkward though. Even if they weren’t, I would feel like every single guy on set would be staring at me,” I countered.

“You’re gorgeous though,” he beamed.

“I feel most comfortable in my three layer racing suit,” I mumbled.

“Ok… that’s when you’re the sexiest. Not going to lie,” he grinned, making my face turn bright red.

My smile pushed its way through, causing Tanner’s to grow before he left a soft kiss on my lips. Once we parted, music start blaring. I wasn’t sure if it was the scene that Kirstie was in. Curiosity got to the best of me though. I got up and tried to look over everyone… and I saw her! She was with Harry, acting all teasing like. I didn’t know she had it in her!

Tanner and I watched on as Harry leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. It didn’t take long for Kirstie to give into him… and this kiss got heated! Oh my gosh. I honestly felt like I should leave the room to give them some ‘private’ time. I totally forgot that this was a video shoot.

After the director said cut, they slowly pulled away from each other… and smiled! Uh huh… that was more than just a stage kiss alright.

They had to do another take for some reason though. This is when Tanner leaned over and let me know that he had to get going to head to practice. I pouted at him. I know he gave me the option to stay here, but… I want to watch my man too and I don’t know if I can navigate my way back to the hotel without him.

I got him to stall until this scene ended and Kirstie came over. Her face was beet red, yet she still managed to smile. I think she’s been wanting to kiss Harry for quit some time now.

“That wasn’t steamy at all,” I teased, causing her face to burn even more.

“It was acting!” she shot at me.

“Whatever it was, you sure made it believable,” I had to keep going.

She just sent me a glare that made Tanner and I both laugh. Oh I really want to stay so I can teas her more!

“We have to get going though. Tanner’s car is calling him,” I spoke up.

“Good! Leave!” she shouted playfully as I pulled her in for a hug.

“Having fun making out with a drummer,” I grinned once we parted.

“And you have fun making out with an ol…” she started to say, but stopped herself. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Tanner’s head slouch a little. Aw, Tanny. “with a guy that’s in love with a racecar,” she recovered with.

I rolled my eyes through a smile as I slid my hand into Tanner’s and we left the video shoot. Tanner was kind of quiet. I know it kind of bothers him that Kirstie sees this one thing wrong with our relationship that we… can’t really do anything about.

Instead of talking to him and avoiding the possibility of making it worse, I brought his hand up that was tightly laced with mine and left a soft kiss on it. He didn’t look up at me, but I saw his dimples make their indentions in his cheeks. He was smiling. It made my grin come across too as we continued our way to his car so that we could get him off to his Rallycross practice… while Kirstie practices making out with a drummer…
♠ ♠ ♠
He is way more than cute! :-P
