Breaking the Rules Brenton Style


31.) Making comments about Jazz and Ravage being in love are major fucking no’s.
-Ravage will tear you to pieces.
-Jazz will sabotage any nonmilitary thing you have planned.
-On Earth when to people irritate the shit out of each other, it’s usually cause they like them.
-Sometimes people hate each other so much they love each other.
-And other times they hate each other so much that they fuck.
-Yeah… The red optic is scary, so I’m just gonna walk away.

32.) Keep your shit in your quarters.
-Sarah and I are tired of cleaning up after your lazy asses.
-Bots you too.
-Clutter pisses me off.
-Sarah will light your ass up if Annabelle isn’t around.

33.) If you spill something clean it up.
-Applies to everyone.
-If I slip one more fucking time, I am going to flip shit.
-Or I’ll pay back the favor.
-Sounds like the beginning of a good prank. (Sideswipe)
-The fleshy might be on to something. (Sunstreaker)
-Don’t even think about it. (Prowl)
-I’ll weld you aft to the fragging ceiling. (Ratchet with wrench)

34.) No fucking with Hide’s cannons.
-He will kill you.
-We still haven’t got the bubble solution off of everything.
-It was funny though.
-Especially when all the mechs started falling.
-And when ratchet wrenched the twins.

35.) Using holographs and holoforms to scare people into thinking they’ve been possessed is another thing not allowed.
-Trent screamed like a bitch.
-And pissed his pants.
-I mean that literally.
-You know I don’t fuck around when it comes to ghosts. (Trent)
-Fine. Be ready for spiders bitch. (Trent)

36.) Every spider you see on base kill the shit out of it.
-Ironhide you can blast them all to pit.
-Ratchet you can just throw all the wrenches.
-Trent you do it and I kill you.

37.) Do not self-diagnose yourself.
-Ratchet will tell you you’re wrong.
-Then you’ll be forced into a checkup
-Let’s not forget about the lecture you’ll get.
- If you’re really unlucky, you’ll get a mental health check.
-Since you’re having delusions of being a medical professional.
-I’m pretty sure I know when I have a headache.

38.) Don’t give Ratchet any reason to give a mental health test.
-He won’t give up until he finds something wrong.
-Even if you pass.
-So far I have anger issues, and am bipolar.
-No. I just have a low tolerance for dumbasses and bull shit.
-Sunny is a sociopath.
-No arguments
-I’ll kill you femme. (Sunny)
-B- That didn’t help your case at fucking all.
-You didn’t helo your’s either (Sunny)
-Fuck off

-When Optimus is talking about Cybertron you are quiet.
-It’s better than a damn book.
-I’m working on getting a special carpet for story time.
-Elementary school bitches.

40.) Running around singing S&M to Dino and Jolt is a no go.
-It sounded like a funny idea.
-A lot of shit went wrong.
-First off, Bee got jealous, because I was singing to Dino.
-Secondly Trent got jealous of mickey singing to Jolt.
-Then there was the whole deal of Dino glitching and destroying bay 33
-Jolt glitched, while working on Sides, effectively pissing off Sides, Sunny, and Ratchet.
-Of course there was the whole matter of Dino going into hiding.-Damn that fucking electrodisrupter.
-We then got harassed by soldiers for a week.
-Oh and Prowl glitched.
-We should do it again. (Mikaela)
-Hell fucking yes!