Breaking the Rules Brenton Style


51.) Do not ask where babies come from.
-I never want to hear Racthet tried to explain that again.
-Who told Sides to ask?
-He regretted it.
-Leo said from a vagina.
-Which is funny because when he was born was the only time he's ever seen one.

52.) So personally I like techno music, but it seems that I am supposed to say it is banned from base.
-Fuck that.
-deadmau5 for the win
-It made Prowl glitch.
-Which isn't surprising.
-The soldiers keep telling me to turn that shit off.
-Fuck you.

53.) Dance offs are prohibited.
-Who the fuck started it is what I want to know.
-It was funny though.
-Lennox did the worm.
-Yes, you read that right.
-He's gonna shoot my aft one of these days.
-Long story short bots dancing = earthquake like vibrations.
-And hilarity
-Just saying

54.) All energon based organisms, remember that you will set off the detectors.
-I was a whole fucking five miles away from the White house.
-Even if I was closer, I sure as hell wasn't gonna do shit.
-I like Obama.
-Funny when and Jazz showed up,all geared and hyped up.

55.) No unjustly throwing people in the brig.
-If one more person tries to throw Ravage in the brig, just because she WAS a con, she will give you a reason to throw her in the brig.
-You really think she's gonna do some shit, when she has Jazzy most of the time?
-Red Alert
-This really applies to you.

56.) Humans, don't talk about having a virus.
-Somebots, don't get the difference between one of their viruses and one of ours.
-They will freak out.
-Especially Red Alert.
-And I really am tired of his ass.
-Bots human viruses take place in cells.
-Do you have human cells?
-Now chill the fuck out.

57.) No unjustly throwing bots in the brig.
-Just because Ravage WAS a decepticon isn't a good excuse.
-She has Jazzy most of the time.
-We're in America.
-Innocent until proven guilty.
-Red Alert stop it

58.) Bots do not believe everything you read on the internet.
-People post some stupid shit
-Not everything is true.
-Use reliable sources and good websites
-I sound like every fucking teacher who's made their kids write a research paper

59.) If you hear stange sounds coming from a door on base do not investigate
-I'm not saying thrat it's all bad
-Better safe than sorry
-It might not even be nasty, but it's probably still weird as fuck
-If you do look then...
- I dunno just damn

60.) If Jolt gets twitching get the fuck away
-He has too much electricity stored up
-He needs a release
-You might get shocked
-Possibly to death
-Just saying
-He looks like a crackhead
-Kind of funny