Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?


We were in the hospital for about an hour as the bandaged his 3 broken knuckles. I can't believe he did that because of me. And then he'd kissed me. Everything was happening in such a blur.

When he was ready to go I drove him back to his house. He refused to let me walk home alone, even though it was only about 2 miles. I ended up staying up talking to him all night, and in the morning his mom drove me back to my house.

"How have you been lately? I haven't seen you in a while." She had been familiar with my presence and confused by my sudden disappearence.

"I've been good. I just came home from California recently. I'm sorry that Danny hurt his hand," I replied polietly.

"It's not your fault sweetheart," she responded with a smile.

'But it is,' I thought to myself, unwilling to say the words aloud. She would hate me if she knew that it was my fault, and anyways Danny had told me not to tell her.

She pulled up to my house and bid me farewell. I walked up the familiar path towards the front door and knocked, having left my keys at home, thinking I'd never be back here again.

"Hello?" A stranger opened the door and I was too shocked to speak for a moment.

"Um, is Tom here?" I couldn't understand why this man was here. Maybe he was a friend of my dads? But then I couldn't think why he'd be opening the door.

"Yeah, one moment." He disappeared for a second and in a minute returned with my dad behind him.

"Mary!" He reached out and gave me a hug, and I was careful to make sure he couldn't see my bruises, and just endured the pain.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking through the door and seeing all new furnature.

"I moved out," my dad answered. "I was just here to fix the sink."

"WHAT?!?" No. He couldn't be serious. I broke out of his grasp and rushed up my stairs, and sure enough my room was empty.

"Where's all my stuff?" I demanded my dad.

"At the apartment. You're lucky I'd hoped you would come back and got you your own room. I even set up some of your stuff."

I starred at him in disbelief. I couldn't believe he sold the house that I'd grown up in. I loved that house, and now it was gone.

Everything was happening so fast. First Danny last night and now this. Then I burst out into tears. I couldn't help it. It was so overwhelming.

Then I ran out of my childhood home, leaving behind a trail of tears.

I was lost in my life now.
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