Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

Finding Myself

I had no idea where to go. The first place in my mind was back to Danny's, but he was probably asleep and the walk to his house was far. It was a pain in the ass not having my truck, but I didn't care. I just ran as far as I could.

My vision started blurring and I could feel the tears running down my cheeks, but my feet knew where I was going. I just let them lead me to where I knew I should be.

After about 10 minutes of running, I arrived out of breathe in front of a giant oak in the park. I had no idea why I was here, but then I saw the giant rock. I bent down and dug through the ground until I found the time box.

Danny had been 15 and I was 14, and we had decided to maje a time capsule. We wrote letters to each other, and we weren't supposed to go back there until we were 20.

It was a hot day in the summer and this was our tree. Every time we hung out we were either in or underneath the tree. We decided that would be the perfect place to bury it because that is where we always wanted to be.

He dug the hole with a shovel, and I lowered the time capsule into the ground. It was decorated with stickers that we had loved to collect, and I remember watching them shine in the sun until it was buried and we had dragged a giant rock on top, barely being able to move it.

Now the stone was erroded alittle and I removed the box from where it had been placed a few years ago. I felt a little bad about how I was doing this without him but I felt I needed to. It would have the answers to my problems right now.

I removed the little toys we had put in there until I reached the letters. I pulled out mine for him, and then put it back in the box, and covered it with the nicknacks I'd removed. Then I buried the time capsole again and replaced the rock.

I climbed up into the tree, as far as I could safely. I knew I was sheltered so that nobody could see me unless they sat underneath and looked up.

I took the letter out of the envelope and began to read...
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SUSPENSE!!! but im writing the next chapter now so comment what you think