Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

The Letter

'Dearest Mary,
I know that you aren't going to read this for 5 years (as long as we remember we buried these) but I know for a fact that my feelings for you aren't going to change. In the year I've known you I have felt this way, but I doubt you feel the same about me.

I'd tell you all of nthis in person, but I am too shy to say it out loud to you. What if you don't feel the same? You mean to much to me forme to even risk losing. Maybe you feel the same, and if you do it's not too late for us.

The truth is I love you. I have had a crush on you since the day that I first laid eyes on you, when I was in this very tree. I was shy but I knew I needed you, and I knew you needed me.

I would do anything for you and I promise that I will never leave you. If you ever leave me I will find a way to you. I can't let you go, and a big part of me doesn't want to.

You mean too much to me for me to every let go. I promise I will not let you go, unless you ask me to, but I will always be here for you.

I want you to know that you are my best friend, and my sister, and until you read this I will wish that we were more. Maybe one day we will.

I love you. Forever.

I promise.

~Danny <3'

The ink over his name was smudged, and I could tell it was a tear. As I focused on the area a tear of my own fell over his. I could've had the boy of my dreams this whole time. He loved me!

I couldn't believe it. I had spent so many years hoping for him to tell me that, and know it was true. He loved me. It was all I could ask for. It seemed to good to be true.

I starred up at the sky and saw the sun beginning to set. I knew I only had so much time, so I jumped out of the tree, langing in a crouch and got up sprinting in the direction of his house. I had to see him right now.

When I neared his house I slowed down, letter still clutched in my hand. What was I going to tell him? That I'd broken our promise and went to find the letter anyways? I stopped for a second and considered going back, but then realized I had waited for him for so long.

I wasn't going to wait any longer.

I walked up to his house and knocked on the door. A few moments later Danny answered it, and before he could speak I kissed him, not pulling away, my arms wrapping around his neck as I pushed myself against him.

"We need to talk," I gasped when I pulled away from him, and dragged him off to the park.
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Romance is in the air.... and its staying there :)
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