Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?

Moving On

After that day, Danny and I stopped talking. I couldn't bare to see him again, so every weekend I would lock myself in my room and say I was busy. The smile that was once occationally seen on my face vanished completely. I was more upset then I could have ever been before.

'You're the one that kissed him. It's your fault,' my subconcious constantly reminded me. Every day I remembered that moment and with each passing day it hurt me more and more.

Danny tried to talk to me every day, but I constantly ignored his texts and phone calls. I had known that being his friend would lead to something bad.

Everything in my life got harder as time kept passing. People at school said worse and worse things about me, my grades started slipping, and my dad was constantly mad at me for never leaving home.

"Why don't you go hang out with your friends?" he asked one day during breakfast. It was over Christmas break and I had done nothing so far.

"What friends?" I asked and then slowly walked up the stairs to my tower room, slamming the door behind me.

I was times like this when I wished that my mom was still with us. My parents had divorced when I was 5, and I spent weekends with her until she moved out to California. Now I barely got to see her.

"That's it!" I said to myself after a few minutes. I packed up all my clothes and went online. I looked at the ticket prices to go to California and I had the money. I bought a ticket for the next night.

I ran down the stairs, yelling to me dad that I was leaving. I grabbed my jacket and ran into the cold winter air. It was only noon, so maybe Danny was at our meeting place, waiting for me like usual.

I rushed over to the park, hoping the whole time that he would be there. When I saw him my heart lurched a bit. His back was too me and he looked like he was looking for someone.

I got out of the car and started to sneak up behind him, when suddenly he called out "Stephanie!" and ran to hug a girl who was walking down the street. I was halfway between him and where my car was parked, leaning down so I wouldn't be seen as quickly. I straightened up to see who he was talking to. She was a young girl with blonde hair, alittle shorter than he was, and very pretty. I could see her smile from where I stood in the middle of the field.

When I saw him lean down to kiss her gently, I heard my heart crack into pieces.

I turned around and raced over to my car. I jumped into the drivers seat and just sat there, crying. I knew I had to get away but I was listening to my common sense and not driving when I was emotionally unbalanced.

About a minute later I heard a tap at the window. I looked up and saw Danny standing there, looking in at me with confusion on his eyes. He hadn't known I was going. I could see the perky blonde standing a little ways behind him, that smile still plastered onto her face. It sickened me to see her standing there in all pink and her happiness. It made me mad to see him with her. I just couldn't do this. Not now. I shouldn't have left my house this morning. I couldn't wait to leave tomorrow.

He motioned for me to roll down the windows, but I shook my head and looked away. After another minute I turned the radio on full blast, and sped out of there as fast as I could, looking back only once to see pain in Danny's eyes.
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Sorry guys... can't be a happy ending yet :) comment what you think- good or bad