Love. Plain and Simple... or Not?


*Ring, ring.* I stared at my phone, Danny's familiar number flashing on the screen. He'd called five times already. I sighed.

I reached out and decided to answer it. I opened it and held it up to my ear. I didn't say anything, but he knew I was there.

"Hey Mary..." I still stayed silent and then I heard him sigh. "I suppose you want to know who that was today at the park."

"What happened to Malory? You and her are dating!" I almost yelled this, but at the last moment remembered to keep my voice quiet.

"We broke up," he murmered, almost whispering. "I didn't think I'd see you again. You made it clear you didn't want to see me." His voice cracked, and I heard a coughing sound. He was crying. I could tell.

"Oh," I couldn't say anything more. I couldn't bare his pain. I was about to hang up after a few moments of akward silence, but he spoke again.

"Why did you go there?"

"I was going to tell you something. But I couldn't bare seeing you with that preppy girl. I'm sorry." My voice got lower with each word spoken out of my mouth. I hope he couldn't tell that every time I pictured him with her my blood started boiling with rage. It should've been me he was with, not that prep.

"She's not preppy and her name is Josiphine. She's my girlfriend now and if you're not going to be nice to her than you should just continue to ignore me." He spat the words at me and I recoiled. I had never heard him so angry. We never fought. Everything had changed when I was in my mental slump.

"I thought you were different than that!" I screamed into the phone, not caring if my dad heard me. "I thought you would never leave your friends for a girl. I guess I was wrong. Goodbye!" I spat the last word, my teeth clenched.

"Mary, wait," his voice was quieter now, more sincere in a way. "I'm sorry, its just that I really like her, I don't need my friends to hate her."

"Yeah, whatever." My voice was level and I reached over, finding my sewing needle. I held it in my hands, wondering.

"You don't even know her! She's a really nice person!" Hearing him say that was too much for me. I dug the needle into my skin and dragged it across my wrist, cringing only slightly as the blood started to pool out. I didn't care. I've done it before and this time was no different.

"What were you going to tell me?" His voice wasquiet now, and I thought he'd calmed down enough to talk. But I was heated over what he'd said to me.

"Oh just that I'm moving in with my mom. I'm leaving. Forever." And with those words I closed the phone, and fell asleep.
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life's not perfect for anyone